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"Buckingham has been wanting a sacrifice ever since he killed Wettin, that he might slay my mother and take Victory." The thought was horrible, not solely because of the hideous fate to which I was condemned, but from the contemplation it engendered of the sad decadence of a once enlightened race.

He appeared himself breathless, red, anxious, and asking every one who was going up the stairs "Why, what's the matter with our interesting strephopode?" The strephopode was writhing in hideous convulsions, so that the machine in which his leg was enclosed was knocked against the wall enough to break it.

The black lips were parted over the ugly teeth, and the eyes had rolled upward till they gleamed, two vacant balls of white. At the side of his neck, just under the jaw, was a hideous swelling. Godfrey's torch ran over the body from head to foot, and I sickened as I looked at it. "I'm going out," I said. "I can't stand this!" and I hurried to the open window. Godfrey joined me there in a moment.

Fathers no longer owned their sons, brother had no compassion for brother. And the gentry had to pay for all this panic terror. The people had been brought up in such a way that its first thought on breaking out of its cage was to tear its masters in pieces. It listened no longer to any word of command, only the latest whim obtained a hearing. Stubbly Hanák hit upon a hideous idea.

And I may even say that in this case the moral itself was given me; for it arose immediately on a comparison of the mother and the daughter, and from the hideous trick of atavism in the first.

And by and by the great round moon arose in the east, and the fearful sounds that had made the forest hideous began to die away; and Siegfried saw, far down the path, a red light feebly gleaming. And he was glad, for he knew that it must come from the charcoal-burners' pits.

Now, at this moment, she made every effort to conjure up the vision of her brother brought home dead upon a stretcher, of her father's declining years, rendered hideous by the mind unhinged through the great sorrow. She tried to think of the avenging finger of God pointing the way to the fulfilment of her oath, and called to Him to stand by her in this terrible agony of her soul.

This then, said I to Toby, must be the armoury of the tribe. As we advanced farther along the building, we were struck with the aspect of four or five hideous old wretches, on whose decrepid forms time and tattooing seemed to have obliterated every trace of humanity.

"Robbery!" whispered the boy, pointing, in high delight, to the empty box. "You were told to wait down-stairs," I said. "Go away!" "And Murder!" added Gooseberry, pointing, with a keener relish still, to the man on the bed. There was something so hideous in the boy's enjoyment of the horror of the scene, that I took him by the two shoulders and put him out of the room.

To lose the only creature in all his world who ever had manifested love and affection for him was the greatest tragedy he had ever known. What though Kala was a fierce and hideous ape! To Tarzan she had been kind, she had been beautiful. Upon her he had lavished, unknown to himself, all the reverence and respect and love that a normal English boy feels for his own mother.