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McKee mentions a commissary-sergeant stationed at Santa Fe, New Mexico, who recovered after a gunshot wound of the liver. Hassig reports the case of a private of twenty-six who was wounded in a fray near Paducah, Kentucky, by a conoid ball, which passed through the liver. The ball was cut out the same day. The patient recovered and was returned to duty in May, 1868.

There sounded the report of a gunshot, deadened indeed by the thick adobe walls of the house, yet sudden and loud enough to startle the women. When Longorio reappeared he found Alaire standing stiff and white against the wall, with Dolores kneeling, her face still buried in her mistress's gown. "Give yourself no concern," he told them, quickly. "I beg a thousand pardons for Felipe.

It was within gunshot; before its outskirts, numerous grizzly old bulls were scattered, holding guard over their females. They glared at us in anger and astonishment, walked toward us a few yards, and then turning slowly round retreated at a trot which afterward broke into a clumsy gallop. In an instant the main body caught the alarm.

And now it's bed-time, Major. Good-night." The inn of "The Three Jolly Fishermen," which, as you may know, lies on the left bank of the Thames, within a gunshot of Richmond, was all but empty when Cleek, answering the superintendent's note, strolled into it, and discovered Narkom enjoying his tea in solitary state at a little round table in the embrasure of a bay window at the far end of the little private parlour which lies immediately behind the bar-room.

Before dying he implicated Mattingley in several robberies, and a notorious case of piracy of three months before, committed within gunshot of the men-of-war lying in the tide-way. Carcaud, seriously wounded, to save his life turned King's evidence, and disclosed to the Royal Court in private his own guilt and Olivier Delagarde's treason.

"No, you are right," she said, with a shuddering glance down the road; and bade the little ones rest still as their mother had commanded. The two little ones cried and clung to her; but she put them aside firmly, promising to look for their mamma when she returned. Langton did not dare to glance at her face. The dark cloud dust met them, a gunshot below, rolling up the hillside from the city.

What was the matter with your aim? I have seen you hit a knot-hole, shooting from the hip." "The man is charmed," declared Gale. "He's bullet-proof." "There are people," she agreed, "that a gunshot will not injure. There was a man like that among my people my father's enemy but he was not proof against steel." "Your old man knifed him, eh?" She nodded. "Ugh!" the man shivered. "I couldn't do that.

For a few moments the greatest confusion reigned, but when at last order was restored and Mr. Whitney had regained his composure, Mr. Sutherland inquired, "Mr. Whitney, do you identify the dead man as Hugh Mainwaring?" "I do." "But did you not identify as Hugh Mainwaring the man who, at Fair Oaks, on or about the eighth of July last, came to his death from the effect of a gunshot wound?"

Randall mentions a gunshot wound of the right ventricle which did not cause death until the sixty-seventh day. Grant describes a wound in which a ball from a revolver entered a little to the right of the sternum, between the cartilages of the 5th and 6th ribs, and then entered the right ventricle about an inch from the apex.

"Well?" said the superintendent. "I was thinking again," said the man at the door. "By all the rules of the game the game as it is played here in the desert I ought to be giving you twenty-four hours to get out of gunshot, Mr. Lidgerwood. Instead of that I am going to do you a service. You remember that operator, Rufford, that you discharged a few days ago?" "Yes."