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"Ye es," Miss Dearborn answered hesitatingly, never very sure of herself under Rebecca's fire; "but though we often speak of a baby, a chicken, or a kitten as 'it, they are really masculine or feminine gender, not neuter." Rebecca reflected a long moment and then asked, "Is a hollyhock neuter?" "Oh yes, of course it is, Rebecca"

A fix'd coagulated Mercury is found in the Diamond, therefore it is fixeder and harder than the other stones, and cannot be so broken; so the tincture of Mars, or the Sulphur of Iron is found in the Ruby, the Sulphur of Venus in the Emerald, the Soul of Saturn in the Granate; in Tin the tincture which is found in the Topaz; and Crystal is appropriated to common Mercury; in the Saphire is found the Sulphur and Tincture of Luna, but each one according to a peculiar understanding, and according to its kind, and in Metals according to their form and gender; for when the blew Colour is taken and extracted out of the Saphire, its Rayment is gone, and its other Body is white as a Diamond, wanting only the hardness that is in a Diamond; even so when Gold hath lost its Soul, it yields a fix'd white Gold Body, which by searching Students and young Artists is called fix'd Luna.

"Crouching right on that lower limb. Oh! how his yellow eyes glare at us! Excuse me from wanting to come to close quarters with such a demon." "For one thing, you've settled on the wrong gender, Steve," remarked Jack in a fairly cool tone; "because if you look sharper you'll see two other puffy balls close by the first one.

Balaam's anger was once more kindled by this stupid obstinacy, and he whacked the ass again with his staff. * Balaam's ass was a "she," but the sex is immaterial, and as we commenced with the masculine gender we will continue with it. Then the Lord intervened, and brought about the most extraordinary incident of this wonderful story.

'Natura, yes something about to produce. They laughed in their superior knowledge of a Latin word, but Mother, stirred deeply though she hardly knew why, was not to be left out. Would the bridge bear her, was perhaps her thought. 'And of the feminine gender, she added slyly, with a touch of pride. The bridge creaked, but did not give way. She said it very quickly.

They had seen no company in her time, for they were then only rising people; and, since that, the great friends to whom Sim, in his wealth, had attached himself, and with whom alone he intended that Barry should associate, were all of the masculine gender.

It would prove an endless task if I were to try here to illustrate at all extensively the stickiness, as one might almost call it, of primitive modes of speech. Person, number, case, tense, mood and gender all these, even in the relatively analytical phraseology of the most cultured peoples, are apt to impress themselves on the very body of the words of which they qualify the sense.

The likeness passed away, like a breath along the surface of the gaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which, a hospital procession of negro cupids, several headless and all cripples, were offering black baskets of Dead Sea fruit to black divinities of the feminine gender and he made his formal bow to Miss Manette. "Pray take a seat, sir."

The manifestation of Mental Gender may be noticed all around us in everyday life. The magnetic persons are those who are able to use the Masculine Principle in the way of impressing their ideas upon others. The actor who makes people weep or cry as he wills, is employing this principle.

"I'm looking for work," explained the visitor. "You got the wrong door," he told her. "You want the dance-hall. We don't allow women in here." "So I understand." Miller's frown deepened. "Well, then, beat it! Saloons are masculine gender and " "I'm not a dance-hall girl, I'm a dealer," the other broke in. "You're a WHAT?" Ben's jaw dropped; he stared curiously at the speaker.