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And, at the very first note, the two who were watching him knew what was to come. It was in every line of him, that promise. It might have been his gratitude that he was voicing, so touching were the strains that followed that first note. The air was unfamiliar, but it sounded like a folk song of his own country, and he put into it all the poignant, peculiar melody of such a song.

Soon was the Burg thronged with folk in all its open places, and all were eager and merry, and it could not have been told from their demeanour and countenance that the shadow of a grievous trouble hung over them.

All men held their peace when they saw him standing there; and straightway he proclaimed the hallowing of the Mote in such form of words as was due amongst that folk, and which were somewhat long to tell here. Then was silence again for a little, and then the old man spake: "Few words are best to-day, neighbours; for wherefore are we met together?"

The poor girl knew how ill she was, and expected her death; and when the widow told her that Doctor Colligan was going to call on her brother, she said that she hoped she should see Barry once more before all was over. "Mother," said Martin, as soon as the Doctor's back was turned, "you'll get yourself in a scrape av you go on saying such things as that about folk before strangers."

I know for a fact that it is two months since he put brush to canvas. He has turned from a student into an idler, and, what is worse, I fear into a parasite. You will forgive me for speaking so plainly?" Raffles Haw said nothing, but he threw out his hands with a gesture of pain. "And then there is something to be said about the country folk," said the vicar.

"Yes you can, sir, and you must. What are we going to do if you run yourself aground and break up? Orficers want rest like other folk. Look here, sir; you're dead beat. Out, ain't you? Why, you warn't down below an hour." "Yes, I feel done up, Tom, but " "You can't do everything yourself, sir, and must get yourself fit to keep going. Now look round, sir.

The fishing folk do not think so, however; they care but little for such secondary details, and their veneration is entirely centred in the suffragan church "one of the three Virgins," as they call her to whom it is dedicated. It is strange be it said in parenthesis how frequently in Galicia mention is made of stars: they form a most important feature of the country's superstitions.

You see, it wasn't like an ordinary person dying, it was the tragedy of the whole thing that stirred folk so, dying of a broken heart for the man she was in love with. It set all the crazy poets off like that clock of Selina Pinckney's I was telling you of. The News and Courier had yards of obituary notice and verses. It made people forget the war for a couple of days.

Then the Earl spake to her, and told her of her realm, and how folk thrived, and of the deep peace that was upon the land, and of the merry days of Meadham, and the praise of the people. And she answered him nothing, but as he spake her bosom began to heave, and the tears came into her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

The Devitts were like their home in being new, ostentatious folk; their prosperity did not extend further back than the father of Montague, the present head of the family. Montague Devitt did little beyond attending board meetings of the varied industries which his father's energy had called into being.