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Now, boy, I'll work you, grind you, and you'll go for your first examination next spring." "Next spring!" cried Barney, aghast, "not for three years." "Three years!" snorted the doctor, "three fiddlesticks! You can do this first examination by next spring." "Yes. I could do it," said Barney slowly. The doctor cast an admiring glance at the line of jaw on the boy's face.

"But if he is ill in body as well as in mind, poor fellow?" "Pooh! fiddlesticks! I am quite sure, if Helen jilted you, you would bear it a great deal better losing the money and all than he does." Maurice smiled. "That is very possible; but a man can't help his disposition, and John has been utterly shattered by it."

For my part, I never saw you go down the carriage road, on that beast Staunton, with his tail flying and his legs anywhere but on the road, without preparing my nerves for seeing your mangled remains brought home on a shutter." Schillie. "Mangled fiddlesticks! Did you ever see such a butterfly? Don't catch it; you'll hurt it. There, it is settled now. I wonder what his name is?"

He raised his fists and shook them. "Help an' fiddlesticks!" he blustered. "Thet ain't no Injuns! It's thet Shanty Town blackleg a-tryin' t' skeer us. Go look at th' groun' go look at th' groun', Ah say. See if they's moccasin tracks thereabout. Ah bet y' won't fin' any!" He turned back to the scattered splinters, pulling Dallas after him. Together they got down, examining with care.

Cregeen?" said the postman. "Do I mane fiddlesticks!" said Cæsar. "Well, the man's father is at the Govenar reg'lar, they're telling me," said Kelly, "and Ross is this, and Ross is that " "Every dog praises his own tail," said Cæsar. "I'm not denying it, the man isn't fit he has sold himself to the devil, that's a fact " "No, he hasn't," said Cæsar, "the devil gets the like for nothing."

Mrs Potter, being "of the same opinion still," felt inclined to say "Fiddlesticks!" but she was a good soul, although somewhat highly spiced in the temper, and respected her husband sufficiently to hold her tongue. "John;" she said, after a short silence, "you're late to-night." "Yes," answered John, with a sigh.

"We want exactly one hundred thousand dollars." Greenbaum laughed derisively. "A hundred thousand fiddlesticks! This old jailbird swindled another crook, Bloom " "Oh, Bloom was a crook too, was he?" chuckled Mr. Tutt. "He worked for your firm, didn't he?" "That's nothing to do with it!" retorted Greenbaum angrily.

But I don't know whether on that account our feelings are any the less keen. Don't you think there's a certain beauty in a grief that forbids itself all expression? You know, I admire Lucy tremendously, and as she came towards us on the platform I thought there was something very fine in her calmness. 'Fiddlesticks! said Mrs. Crowley, sharply.

"Then what's the use o' goin' back any further. We might's well stop the machine right now, so's not to have so many more turns to wind up again." "Fiddlesticks!" Rebecca exclaimed. "Don't you fret about that! Don't I tell ye it's folderol! Tell ye what ye can do, though. Open them shutters out there an' let in some sunlight. I've more'n half a mind to open a window, too.

I told you! I begged you to stop! It meant just three hundred dollars to me." "Bah! Three hundred fiddlesticks!" "They are what have paid for books, tuition, and clothes for the past four years. They are what I could have started on to college. You've ruined the very one I needed. You never made any pretence of loving me. At last I'll be equally frank with you. I hate you!