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It was not later than eight-twenty in the evening when the two boys met down in front of the hardware store, where a brilliant light burned all night long; so that the evening was young when Max caught the well-known voice of Toby Jucklin at the other end of the wire. Toby stuttered, at times, fearfully.

Such a silence is oppressive as the tomb; it urges on the mind the idea of man's nothingness in the vastness of creation. How frail a being is man! Two winters together, without a summer between, would sweep him off the earth! At times we felt it a necessity to be saying something if only to show that we were keeping up our spirits. "Ah, we are getting on! How fearfully cold!

These thoughts and questionings excited him so fearfully, that he sprang from his bed, crying: "Love and I have nothing to do with one another. Other men maybe kind and good if they like; I must be stern, or I shall fall into the hands of those who hate me hate me because I have been just, and have visited heavy sins with heavy chastisements.

They may sever my soul from my body, but never again part me from this dear bosom!" "Never, never, my Helen!" said he, reading her conference with the king in the wild terror of its effects. Her senses seemed fearfully disordered.

On the chimney-shelf was an Empire clock between two vases, and from these rose the faded stems of some dried grasses stuck upright into sand. "Come to the fire," said the Abbé, "for in spite of the brazier it is fearfully cold." And in answer to Durtal, who spoke of his rheumatism, he resignedly shrugged his shoulders. "All the residence is the same," said he.

Presently, however, he hove in view, doing fearfully lissom things in mid-floor. I "Hi-Seppings!"-ed a couple of times, but his mind was too much on his job to be diverted, and it was only when the swirl of the dance had brought him within prodding distance of my forefinger that a quick one to the lower ribs enabled me to claim his attention.

In her moments of sterner thought the latter were the enemies she most feared; whereas, when she was simply pervaded by her usual chronic hatred of the Irish Roman Catholic hierarchy, she was wont to inveigh most against the Pope. And this college, she maintained, was fearfully successful in drawing away the souls of young English students. Indeed, at Oxford a man had no chance against the devi.

A little wee French midshipman of fourteen lay fearfully injured, but never uttered a sound till a physician of Memphis was about to dress his hurts. Then he said: "Can I get well? You need not be afraid to tell me." "No I I am afraid you can not." "Then do not waste your time with me help those that can get well." "But " "Help those that can get well! It is, not for me to be a girl.

There lay Luke Darvil on the grass still living, but a horrible and ghastly spectacle. One ball had pierced his breast, another had shot away his jaw. His eyes rolled fearfully, and he tore up the grass with his hands. The officers looked coldly on. "He was a clever fellow!" said one. "And has given us much trouble," said the other; "let us see to Will."

I had not tasted a single morsel, when a low whisper fell upon my ear, and on turning, I beheld Mammy gazing on me rather fearfully, while at her elbow stood Jane in night-gown and cap, who was violently rubbing her eyes in order to clear away the fancied mist, and thus convince herself that it was really the veritable me who was about to perform such an unheroine-like part.