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March's reply was cut short by a voice behind him, which said: "You can have the Courier's permission." As John wheeled about, Jeff-Jack came a step forward and Barbara Garnet shrank against a window. "Well, Miss Garnet," laughed March, as Ravenel conversed with Halliday, "I was absorbed, wa'n't I? You and Miss Fannie going to watch the old year out and the new year in to-night?"

When they found that they were to be left on the edge of the circle of crocheters, they determined to follow the wading party. Nina privately thought she was far too old to indulge in such a silly pastime, and Fannie hated walking anyway, but at the moment wading was better than doing nothing. "Who's that shouting?" asked Rosemary, as they rounded a bend in the brook and heard a distant noise.

"Oh, no," said March, with a boyish smile to Fannie, who was rising to move to a lounge, "it's a mighty old " He was going to say "debt," but before Ravenel could more than catch his breath or John start half a step forward she had struck the lounge like a flail.

A sort of bed was made in one of the trucks, using the sweaters and wraps of the other girls, and Fannie was laid on this, with her head in Rosemary's lap. Will Mears had no confidence in any one else's ability to take care of his sister.

"O well, I asked pop yesterday what he thought of this Widewood scheme anyhow, and he said, 'There's money in it for some men. 'Well, then, why can't you be one of them, I asked him, and said he, 'It's not the kind of money I want, Fan." "O pshaw, Fannie, men are always saying that about one another." "Yes," murmured Fannie.

Miss Mollie Garfield wore a plum-colored woolen suit trimmed with plush, and a broad-brimmed gypsy hat, tied down over her ears. Miss Fannie Hayes wore a purple plush suit striped with yellow, and a white felt hat. Officials entitled to admission on the floor of the Senate began to make their appearance and to occupy the vacant chairs, the Senators having doubled up on one side of the Chamber.

And then one evening in the Park like a flash came the plan. He must go among the poor, he must get to know them not in this neighborhood, "a prophet is not without honor, etc." but in some new place where he was unknown. He thought of Greenwich Village. Did not Fannie Lemick tell him that Sally Heffer lived in Greenwich Village? Well, he would look into the matter.

Fannie could not twist and squirm in his strong arms, and Rosemary deftly washed out the great jagged cut that had slashed across the slim instep, and then, further scandalizing Nina, tore a wide bandage from the bottom of her petticoat, brought the edges of the cut closely together and bound it tightly. "I think you ought to carry her to the truck," she said, when she had finished.

When I've anything to explain I'll explain to him." "Fannie Halliday " "Ravenel, if you please, sir." He smiled severely. "Have a chair, Mrs. Ravenel. Fan, you're married to a man who never asks an explanation." The two gazed upon each other in silence. His accustomed belief in her and her ardent love for him were already stealing back into their hearts. Nevertheless

"Well Fannie Mears is too mean," said Rosemary. "It isn't a very nice thing to say, Hugh " "Then don't say it, dear," he countered promptly. "Don't gossip, Rosemary.