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He gave me, I remember, a recent portrait of the Viceroy to fix my eye upon, doubtless with the purpose of inspiring my countenance with the devotion which would sit suitably upon one of His Excellency's slaves, and when it was all over he conducted me into another apartment in order that I might see the very latest viceregal group a domestic one, including the Staff.

In the square by the church they were told they could get to His Excellency's by the lower path going down behind the church to the river, going along the bank to the garden, and there an avenue would taken them to the house; or by the upper way straight from the church by the road which, half a mile from the village, led right up to His Excellency's granaries.

And so great was his Excellency's desire that this work should be done, that he assigned for its execution such a sum of money as Baccio wished and demanded every week.

"You'll be able to think all right in a moment," said Heatherbloom. "Sit down. Only," in crisp tones, "I wouldn't move from the chair if I were you. Because " His excellency understood; something bright gleamed close. "Are you going to murder me?" he breathed hoarsely. His excellency's cousin a grand duke had been assassinated in Russia. "I wouldn't call it that." The prince made a movement.

"Is it not somewhere hereabouts that the Battle of Monmouth was fought?" she asked. "Methinks I remember 'twas at the seat of Monmouth County that His Excellency's forces overtook the English." "Yes." Fairfax looked about him. "The hottest part of the battle occurred at yon parsonage; although I've heard that there was hard fighting over the entire plain."

Behind him and a little to the left hung his picture, large and predominant, and in the corner of the frame was stuck the red ticket that signified the Viceroy's gold medal. We saw that, I think, before we saw anything else. Then with as little haste as was decent, considering His Excellency's proximity, we walked within range of the picture.

"From the feeling of greater security and comfort, combined with cheapness of living, all classes of diggers are unanimous in their preference of this place to Victoria. "The nugget of gold which I have forwarded for his Excellency's inspection, weighing about an ounce and a half, was found about seven feet below the surface.

LETTER X. TO GENERAL WASHINGTON, October 2, 1779 Williamsburg, October 2, 1779. Sir, Just as the letter accompanying this was going off, Colonel Mathews arrived on parole from New York, by the way of headquarters, bringing your Excellency's letter on this subject, with that of the British commissary of prisoners.

That your Excellency may meet with no such difficulties, that your road to fame and fortune may be smooth and easy is the sincere wish of, sir, your Excellency's most obedient, etc."

Thomas Billings, in his new clothes which his mamma had given him, in his new riband which the fair Miss Beinkleider had tied round his neck, and having his Excellency's breeches wrapped in a silk handkerchief in his right hand, turned down in the direction of Whitehall, where the Bavarian Envoy lodged. But, before he waited on him, Mr.