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"But ye don't know everythin', Joe Barron. It wa'n't no weasel as was takin' them there aigs!" "What were it then?" demanded the woodsman, incredulously. "It was two big porkypines an' a monstrous big wildcat," answered Mrs. Gammit in triumph. "Did ye ketch 'em at it?" asked the woodsman, with a faint note of sarcasm in his voice. But the sarcasm glanced off Mrs. Gammit's armour.

""Make your game, now, gents," says Old Monroe, when everythin' is shorely ready. "Get in your votes. These yere polls is open for one hour." ""One for Randall," says Bronco Charlie as Old Monroe votes. ""An' one for Old Monroe," remarks Ormsby when Randall votes next.

If he could figger on gettin' her to marry him, he'd have the ranch an' everythin' on it without no more trouble at all. You'd think even a scoundrel like him would see she wouldn't look at him." "Did he Was he " "Oh, no! Nothin' raw a-tall," returned Bud, divining the thought in Stratton's mind.

"So there, boys, you have a little bit of American fightin' come home to you, straight an' true. I say that's what the Germans have roused. Well, it was a bad day for them when they figgered everythin' on paper, had it all cut an' dried, but failed to see the spirit of men!"

Well, sir, you'd think every man in Arizona, when he heard what they was doin', would do everythin' in his power to help 'em along, even to runnin' a Dos S on an orehanna once in a while instead of hoggin' it himself; but they's fellers in this world, I'm convinced, that would steal milk from a sick baby!"

Here he took the circus pictures from his breast, where they had been much flattened during the several demonstrations of family affection in which they had been involved. "Here's a picture for each of you." Billy seemed to approve of the monkey, but Tom scowled and said, "What do I care for an elephant's head, when I seen the whole animal at the show, an' everythin' else besides?"

Then they comed together and Seth Stevens he jest drew off and tried to land him one, but schoolmaster sorter moved aside and took him on the nose, an' Seth he sot down, with the blood runnin' all over him. An' an' that's all. Every time Seth Stevens hauled off to hit, schoolmaster was thar first. It war bully! That's all. An' I seed everythin'. You kin bet your life on that!

All you have to do to be a member of my club is to be 'Happy in Spite' an' believe everythin' happenin' is for the best." A mystified expression filled the girl's earnest blue eyes. "I'm awful happy," she sighed, "and I'm awful glad to come in your club, but I just don't understand what it means." The cobbler paid no attention for some moments.

She was mighty glad to see me, though, even if she did n't come to the door, but only hollered from a chair, an' I don't know as I ever had a nicer call on her, for she went over everythin' inside out an' hind side before, an' it was nothin' but a joy for me to listen, for it seems she had a pretty sad visit first an' last what with being specially invited to sit up an' watch nights with Mrs.

"Do suthin' to him!" Blinky Boyd was fuming in the wake of Owen and Hicks on their stroll up deck. "Do everythin' to him; make 'im walk the old board; draw'n quarter 'im. Didn't he attempt me life an' ain't he at present engaged in stealin' the fambly jewels?" "Well, have you got any ideas?" asked Owen. "The first thing," whispered Blinky, "is to git him under the in-floo-ence of licker.