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They felt down between backs and seats of chairs, looked behind cases of treasures, moved every book and paper that lay on the tables, even turned up the edges of rugs, and peeped under. "It doesn't make any difference how much we look," Dotty declared, "we've just got to look more, that's all. Why, that earring is in this room, and that's all there is about that! Now, it's up to us to find it.

The green-grocer woman at the entrance of the court where his father lived, a good way down the same street in which he had found the lost earring, had given him a small yellow turnip to Gibbie nearly as welcome as an apple.

Only for a few minutes during the day did the sun light the alcove to its innermost rifts and slits, but these were the minutes now, and its level rays did Elfride the good or evil turn of revealing the lost ornament. Elfride's thoughts instantly reverted to the words she had unintentionally uttered upon what had been going on when the earring was lost.

'And let him drown, he ejaculated despairingly. 'There; now I am yours! she said, and a woman's flush of triumph lit her eyes. 'Only one earring, miss, as I'm alive, said Unity on their entering the hall. With a face expressive of wretched misgiving, Elfride's hand flew like an arrow to her ear. 'There! she exclaimed to Stephen, looking at him with eyes full of reproach.

Some one jumped down and took it from the stone where it lay glistening, and handed it up to her, and she clutched it in her skinny hand. It was a gold earring, such as fishermen sometimes wear. But this was a somewhat large one, and of rather unusual shape. "That's young Abram Parsons, I tell 'ee, as lies down there," cried the old creature, wildly. "I ought to know.

"It can't be that Alicia took it," Dotty whispered to Dolly, "for she is so willing to have Geordie investigate." Ted Hosmer was as anxious as Geordie to hunt for the earring, but when he reached the rooms of the collections he was so interested in looking at the specimens that he nearly forgot what they came for.

They was given me to make up the sum since your brother had not the whole two hundred pound in coin. Take a look at them." Sir Oliver recognized a ring and a long pear-shaped pearl earring that had been his brother's; he recognized a medallion that he himself had given Lionel two years ago; and so, one by one, he recognized every trinket placed before him.

He must be killed sooner or later, because he rushes into every thing. But never will it be my doing." "Then are you the celebrated Robin Lyth the new Robin Hood, as they call him? The man who can do almost any thing?" "Mistress Anerley, I am Robin Lyth; but, as you have seen, I can not do much. I can not even search for my own earring." "I will search for it till I find it.

Guests chew betel-nuts and the quid of the sun goes to that of Pagbokásan, so it is known that the latter is his father. Parents of sun pay marriage price to girl's people. Aponibolinayen who is very ill expresses a desire for mangoes which belong to Algaba of Dalaga. Her brother dispatches two men with presents to secure them. One carries an earring, the other an egg.

Interest that quickly turned to deep concern as the story went on. "I don't like it," she said, as the girls paused to hear her comments. "No carelessness or thoughtlessness could make that valuable earring disappear off the face of the earth! I mean, it couldn't get LOST, it must have been taken." "By us?" flared out Alicia.