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Their rickety engines set the pace for the fleet, and unless the Olympia wishes to abandon the shaky old hulks to their fate, she must keep step with them." Lieutenant Gibson Spencer swept the horizon once more with his marine-glass and stopped searchingly at one spot. "If that's not the Flying Dutchman, they're ships," he remarked, "probably our ships."

It was the Fairy's boat, with Dick Martin in charge. "Hallo, Dick, mein boy; gif me your vlipper." A sign from Martin induced the Dutchman to lean over the side and speak in lower tones. "Let's have a keg of it," said Dick, with a mysterious look. "Ned Bryce sent me for a good supply, an' here's fish to pay for it."

What capital would not be made out of that circumstance by his enemies in Algiers and by Asad's Sicilian wife who hated him with all the bitterness of a hatred that had its roots in the fertile soil of jealousy? This may have spurred him in the cool dawn to a very daring and desperate enterprise which Destiny sent his way in the shape of a tall-masted Dutchman homeward bound.

"But," said Ken, pursuing his line of thought, "I can depend on the Dutchman and my good right arm, and I can't depend on the Pure Flame of Inspiration, or whatever it's called, so methinks the Sturgis Water Line will make its first trip at 8:30 promptly to-morrow morning, as advertised. All the same," he added jubilantly, "what a tremendous lark it is, to be sure!"

The "pale mariner" has once more gone across the stage here, and in his honour I yesterday occupied the conductor's seat again, after an interval of eight months. With the "Flying Dutchman" I left the orchestra for a time at the beginning of last March, and with the same work I resume my connection with the theatre for this season.

Ashurst declared that he should not be fit for duty for a month to come, he felt so thoroughly done up. The Dutchman promised the boat at daybreak, observing that it was of no use to start before then. Owen, for the sake of his friend, was eager to be off, and, in spite of the fatigue he had gone through, he was up at dawn.

Good old Dutchman, Van Shuyten. I've sent him one small lot of ivory a year ago, so that he can't call me a little thief when I get back. I hope he got it. And for the rest I don't care. I had some wood stacked for you. That was my old house. Did you see? "I gave him Towson's book. He made as though he would kiss me, but restrained himself.

Although called a "French" blacking-maker, Mr. Gosling is in reality a Dutchman, having been born in the city of Amsterdam, Holland.

We, accordingly, walked to the adjoining village, in one of the houses of which he introduced us, formally, to a tall Dutchman, with a pipe in his mouth and a pen behind his ear, who, after hearing the story, proceeded to commit it, in large characters, to a quire of foolscap.

The head of the party laid down his violin and bow, and explained to us: "Madame Tank was maid of honor to the queen of Holland, before reverses overtook her. She knows court secrets." "But she might at least tell us," coaxed Annabel, "if this Mohawk is a Dutchman." Madame Tank said nothing. "What could happen in the court of Holland? The Dutch are slow coaches.