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Upon that stun two persons can live excellently well in Germany at least." Unable to contradict any of these assertions, I held my tongue. The Dutchman resumed. "You know the history of my past life; I will tell you my present position. It is critical enough, but I shall improve it, for here," and he touched his forehead, "is what never fails me.

As soon as the three performances of the "Flying Dutchman", "Tannhauser", and "Lohengrin" are over I shall lock myself in for a few days to read the four poems; as yet I have been unable to get a free hour for it. Excuse me therefore for not saying more today than that I rejoice in the joy which the printed copies have given to you.

At that distance, the Dutchman could hit a half-crown; I therefore made sure of bagging. The bank was about four feet above the water; thus the angle was favourable, and I aimed just behind the eye.

"Rap, rap" The manager had no sooner recommenced than several neighbors looked out of doors and windows. "Very bad," thought our Dutchman; "somebody should make him go off. I wonder what they will do." The manager stepped into the street, looked up at the closed window, returned to the knocker, and stood with it in his hand. "They are all gone out, Monsieur," said the street-youngster.

It's a rumor, my boy. We're never going home. The 'Yankee' is the modern 'Flying Dutchman, and " At that moment the "Kid" appeared in sight, and his beaming face convinced us. It was glorious news, but not one of us felt like cheering. Our emotions were too deep for that.

In the execution of this design, the little Dutchman has displayed great historical research, and a wonderful consciousness of the dignity of his subject. His work, however, has been so little understood, as to be pronounced a mere work of humour, satirizing the follies of the times, both in politics and morals, and giving whimsical views of human nature.

Yes he is! No he's up safe and sound. Now he rubs the mud out of his eyes, and says, just as coolly as if he had not barely escaped with his skin. "Where's my box?" "Never mind the box," say the crowd, "as long as you are not hurt." "But I do," said the little Dutchman, "for that's the way I get my living, selling these things. Oh dear the box is broke, and everything is spoiled."

Next door is the studio of the aged Mesdag, a hale old Dutchman who paints daily and looks forward to seeing his ninety years. In Holland octogenarians are not few. The climate is propitious; above all, the absence of hurry and worry. To see The Hague without visiting this collection would be a regrettable omission. In writing of Holland more is said of its windmills than its flowers.

The Java of the ancient world was considered "The Jewel of the East," and possesses many claims to her immemorial title, but the stolid Dutchman of to-day contents himself with the domestic arrangements which sufficed for his sturdy forefathers, scorning the mitigations of swinging punkah or electric fan.

"While the man lay senseless or dead I didn't know which at the time we tied him to the waggon wheels, and returning to the house, seized some ammunition and other articles which might be useful. We then went to the stables, and took the three best horses which the Dutchman had, put some corn in a sack for each of them, took some cord for halters, mounted, and rode away as fast as we could.