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"There's another bill, too, a livery bill. I brought that along, too." "How much is it?" asked Walter anxiously. "Eighteen dollars." "I didn't think it was as much as that!" "Bills mount up faster than you young gentlemen think for. I suppose, however, you can afford to pay it?" "Oh, yes!" said Walter carelessly. "Your uncle may think it rather steep, eh?"

She was only following out her instinct to learn. How could she know that that was a time and place where it would inconvenience somebody else if she did? I'm the one to be punished for letting her have the opportunity." "I suppose that's true. She'd never learn much if she didn't investigate, would she?

A girl wasn't like a man, she said, who could just make up his mind at once, a girl had to wait and see. But she was quite sure of this, that having once said the word she would never go back from it. She didn't quite know when she had first begun to love him, but she thought it was when she heard that he had made up his mind to stand for Percycross.

He has come here to offer you the house, which must have so many tender associations for you, not for a short period, as you wish, but for " "I didn't know she was going to be married!" exclaimed Wodehouse "that makes all the difference, by Jove! Lucy will marry fast enough; but as for Mary, I never thought she would hook any one at her time of life," said the vagabond, with a rude laugh.

Happy Jack backed away hurriedly, for though he is much bigger than Chatterer, he has a very wholesome respect for Chatterer's sharp teeth, and when he is very angry, Chatterer is a great fighter. "I I didn't know it was your storehouse," said Happy Jack, backing away still further.

Two treble voices were audible on the other side, but not a word of their conversation. "Maria and she are talking," said Eunice. What Aunt Maria was saying was this, in a tone of sharp wonder: "Where is he?" "Who?" responded Maria. "Why, you know as well as I do George Ramsey." Aunt Maria looked sharply at her niece. "I hope you asked him in, Maria Edgham?" said she. "No, I didn't," said Maria.

But there's a rose and pearl and gold-brown adorableness about her; you like her all the better for some little puritanical quaintnesses; and if you are an Englishman or an American girl, you long to bully her. I didn't worry her any more until an egg and a cup of tea were on duty to keep her strength up, and then I poured plans, which I made as I went on, upon her meekly protesting head.

"Absurd notion?" repeated Alicia. "Absurd notion? But he asked you! Didn't he ask you?" "As to that, he told me I could marry him if I wanted to," I admitted. "Oh, Leetchy, it was funny, though! If you could have seen the poor dear, trying to martyr himself, just to oblige you " "You refused him?" breathlessly. "Of course. There wasn't anything to say but 'No." "But I saw "

"Maurice," she said, breathlessly, "I didn't mean " She was so frightened that she couldn't finish her sentence; but he said, with kindly understanding: "Of course you didn't!" It flashed into her mind that if she left him alone, he would know that what she had said was so meaningless that she didn't think it worth talking about.

What hash you been dain in dis lower world?" "Ah! Lort, ich does not know." "Well, Shorge Fulwiler, hasn't you got a mill?" "Yes, Lort, ich hash." "Well, Shorge Fulwiler, didn't you never take too much toll?" "Yes, Lort, ich hash; when der water wash low, and mein stones wash dull, ich take leetle too much toll." "Well, den, Shorge Fulwiler, you must go to der left mid der goats."