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Their meeting-ground is the absurdity of Randall joining the army." "And Phyllis?" "She is a loyal little soul and as miserable as can be. She's deplorably in love with Randall. She has told me so. And because she's in love with a man whom she knows to be a slacker she's eaten up with shame. Now she won't speak to him To avoid meeting him she lives entirely at the hospital a paying probationer."

There, we shall have no more trouble with him now. He is a dear little fellow." Pauline said nothing, but she had some difficulty in keeping herself from shrugging her shoulders. She thought both Miss Merivale and Rose deplorably weak and silly. A smart stroke with the whip was what the pony wanted.

'And you can't see, he began, rather more seriously, 'that you are deplorably lacking in the charity which surely should be among your principles? 'There are some things to which charity must not be extended. 'Let us say, then, discretion, insight. He spoke yet more earnestly. 'You judge me, and, in truth, you know as little of me as anyone could.

Perhaps it was with the excitement of Nurse being absent perhaps they chattered and "played" over their breakfast, not having her to keep them up to the mark I can't say. But the bowls were still deplorably full, though the milk was no longer steaming, and the little squares of bread had lost their neat shape, and were all "squashy" together, when Duke threw down his spoon in despair.

Or, to be juster still, it is the fault of that unfortunate asteroid which so deplorably altered our first direction." "Good!" answered Michel Ardan; "as that business is settled let us have our breakfast. After a night entirely passed in making observations, we want something to set us to rights a little." This proposition met with no contradiction. Michel prepared the repast in a few minutes.

What were his gifts in this way, I am, alas, most deplorably ignorant of; it was not, heaven knows, that he possessed any conversational talent of successful flattery he knew as much as a negro does of the national debt and yet the "bon-hommie" of his character seemed to tell at once; and I never knew him fail in any one instance to establish an interest for himself before he had completed the ordinary period of a visit.

I exclaimed with a groan. "What the deuce is her element the Quartier Latin?" "The Quartier Latin is to some extent her habitat but then Mam'selle Josephine belongs to a genus of which you, cher Monsieur Arbuthnot, are deplorably ignorant the genus grisette. The grisette from a certain point of view is the chef-d'oeuvre of Parisian industry; the bouquet of Parisian civilization.

Boys at heart never change. And the atmosphere is so charged with electricity that a spark sets the firmament ablaze. Seven wickets for 192. Eight wickets for 197. Signs of demoralization show themselves on both sides. The bowling has become deplorably feeble, the batting even more so. Four more singles are recorded. Only ten runs remain to be made, with two wickets to fall.

Lynette turned to the young woman in the ulster, whose face betrayed no guilty knowledge of the pinch. She was small, and pale, and gritty, and her blue eyes had red rims to them from the fatigue of the journey, or some other cause. But they were honest and clear, and not unpretty eyes, looking out from a forest of dusty yellowish fringe, deplorably out of curl.

The copyright due me, no matter how handsome it is, appears deplorably mean, and I feel impoverished for several days after I get it. But then, I ought to add that my balance in the bank is always much less than I have supposed it to be, and my own checks, when they come back to me, have the air of having been in a conspiracy to betray me.