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Updated: December 15, 2024
Richard Harte and L. C. Wister, the former a famous Harvard University football and baseball player, the latter a football star at Princeton, both of whom are famous tennis players, have told me that a close 5-set tennis match was far more wearing on them than the biggest football game they had ever played. Singles is a game of daring, dash, speed of foot and stroke.
Nothing but droves of men and all staring. 'It's your dress. 'Oh, thank you, sir! 'Entirely that pretty brown 'Brown! Fawn colour. 'Well, that's brown. Anyhow, it looks charming. And so do you by Jove you do, Maude! Come this way! 'Where are we going? 'By underground. Here we are. Two second singles, Mark Lane, please! No, that's for the west-end trains. Down here!
Here Maud and one of the girls she had come to meet the previous evening were playing singles, while Hilary and her two cousins occupied a bench on the bank overlooking the court on the far side. Unaware of the fact that she was interrupting the game, Margaret began to cross the court by the net, and when interrupted in her progress by a shout from Maud turned and walked up to her.
Sutcliffe would be standing in front of you, looking suddenly years younger, with his eyes shining and clean as though he had just washed them. And after tea you would play singles furiously. For two hours you would try to beat him. When you jumped the net Mrs. Sutcliffe would wave her hand and nod to you and smile. You had done something that pleased her. To-day, when it was all over, Mr.
The refutation of what is untenable in Wordsworth's theory, the censure pronounced upon certain characteristics of his practice, are made all the more impressive by the tone of cordial admiration which distinguishes every personal reference to the poet himself, and by the unfailing discrimination with which the critic singles out the peculiar beauties of his poetry.
And, moreover, he was one of the few people who could get runs quickly on a really wet wicket, for the simple reason that nearly all his shots went into the air; and so he did not find the sodden ground making off drives which should have resulted in fours only realise singles. That afternoon Gordon found the bowling perfectly simple.
It was at Queen's Club in the Handicap Singles. I was owing 3/6 and Miss Jones receiving 3/6. In truth it was a gruelling day. I remember men walked about the streets fanning themselves. We played for hours in a blazing sun, and I eventually won, the score being 8/10, 6/2, 7/5.
"'But if it should pass into the hands of a party not moderate, continued the crafty ex-Minister, 'I shall not abandon the cause of the revolution. I shall be always of the party of the revolution. But see, he singles out Marrast, of all others!" "And his old colleague of 'Le National' seems to give him no very cordial reception," added the Deputy.
His eagle eye singles out at a glance the estray; rising in his stirrup, he whirls the lasso for a moment above his head, launches it through the air, and coolly drags the recalcitrant beast away on the homeward trail. He is nothing but a common, comparatively unskilled, rastreador. The official trailer is of another stamp.
Wightman has practically retired from singles play. Her decision cost the game a wonderful player. She has a well placed slice service, a ground game that is essentially a chop fore- and backhand, although at times she drives off her forehand. She volleys remarkably. She is the equal of Mary Browne in this department, while her overhead is the best of any woman in the game.
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