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Now as they went, Barnabas noticed that a change had come over his companion, his voice had lost much of its jovial ring, his eye its sparkle, while his ruddy cheeks were paler than their wont; moreover he was very silent, and sat with bent head and with his square shoulders slouched dejectedly. Therefore Barnabas must needs cast about for some means of rousing him from this depression.

Van Brunt told me who you were, and where you lived; and when I came here, a little while ago. I knew you again very soon. And I knew what the matter was, too, pretty well; but nevertheless, tell me all about it, Ellen; perhaps I can help you." Ellen shook her head dejectedly. "Nobody in this world can help me," she said. "Then there's One in heaven that can," said the lady, steadily.

"So I said, so I said," cried Crauford; "and in interceding for the poor fellow, whose pardon I am happy to say I procured, I could not help declaring that, if I were placed in the same circumstances, I am not sure that my crime would not have been the same." "No man could feel sure!" said Glendower, dejectedly.

Of course it may show on me so other people can see it, but I don't believe it does, at that." Nevertheless, I bought him no end of suits and smart haberdashery. When the last box had been strapped I hastened to our old lodgings on the chance of seeing the Honourable George once more. I found him dejectedly studying an ancient copy of the "Referee."

On August 9, a broiling morning, Theydon was dejectedly reading of preparations for the "Twelfth," when a telegram reached him. It read: "Handyside has arrived here in his car. Come for the gathering of the clan. We take no refusal. Forbes." Theydon traveled north that night. He reached the glen in time for dinner next evening and passed a few delightfully miserable days in Evelyn's company.

Johnny sighed with disappointment, there was pain in his eyes too. In the old days she would not have refused; she would have come gladly. "My little Gipsy girl is against me too!" He walked away slowly and dejectedly, and the girl watched him. She lifted her hands and pressed them hard against her breast, and then then Johnny heard the light fall of swift-moving feet.

Again and again she had tried to bring herself to approach Marjorie and humbly sue for pardon. The weight of her own troubled conscience prevented her from yielding, and thus she kept her sorrow locked in her aching heart and waited dejectedly for the day when she must leave the Deans' pleasant home, taking with her nothing but bitter self-reproach for her own folly.

We imagine that the idea is the expression of the world's will, whereas it is nothing but the consuming fire within our brain." "Now then, drink up!" said Sanine, as in friendly fashion he passed the bottle to Yourii. "With pleasure," replied the latter, dejectedly, and it immediately occurred to him that this was about the best thing, in fact the only thing that remained to be done.

He instructs us that we must keep to the right or perhaps it was to the left, I don't remember and get on to another ridge. This we do. My felt boots are soaking and squelching, my socks are snuffling. The driver says nothing and clicks dejectedly to his horses.

Silkie looked for a second and then turned her head away. It was plain she would have none of him. Off dejectedly crawled the first spider. Greenie watched, fascinated by this bright colored little spectacle under the blossoming apple tree. Then his eyes grew dark and angry. He had to work when he was hungry.