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Post's berth that the porter came running from his quarters in alarm. "Who's bin done committed murder?" the darky demanded. "Murder!" exclaimed Mr. Post. "I'll murder some one, that's what I will! Look out! I'm a bad man when I'm mad, and I'm mad clear through now!" "What's de matter?" asked the frightened negro. "Who done sumfin to yo', boss?" "Matter?" cried the miner.

"Don't know, Boss," replied the darky. "Dey don't need tyin'." "Oh no, they don't," Lopez replied sarcastically. "They didn't need it up in the woods, neither. That's why they burned my cabin down. Now I haint got no home no more'n a rabbit." "Haint got no rope, Boss," dolefully declared Doright.

The barrier was lowered, and the party managed to squeeze their way into a badly ventilated Turkish room, where a demented darky orchestra was drumming upon various instruments ranging in resonance from a piano to a collection of kitchen utensils.

Sheriff, and ye'd think they were babies, if ye'd see himself talk to them at the jail, and send them up things, as if they were better than the other criminals, and couldn't live on the jail fare," said officer Dunn, who continued to pledge himself to the sheriff that the wharves should not be neglected, nor a hopeful English darky escape his vigilant eye.

"Rheumatic old judges don't smoke superfine cigarettes, Sophy, nor send black tray-bearers in terra-cotta robes out on rainy days for the entertainment of strange ladies. No: this is something, or somebody, young. But since when did Ariel take to tobacco?" "Let's go down-stairs," I suggested, "and wait for that old darky, if he is a real darky and ever means to return."

"On that very same day the day your darky sent your clothes to the cleaner's I had two of Dallam's suits sent down to be pressed. That little man at the tailor shop Pedaloski found this paper crumpled up in your pocket and took it out and then later forgot where he had found it. So, as I understand, he tried to read it, seeking for a clue to its ownership.

Again a faint light was showing in the east, and cocks were crowing from a low sea of mist that lay motionless over the land, but this time the darky porter reached without hesitation for his bag and led him to the porch of the hotel, where he sat waiting for breakfast.

The camp, lit by the ruddy glow from its great fire, looked an oasis of light, warmth, and jollity in the black and burnt desert. The darky, hearing Cyrus declare that he was fearfully hungry, mixed some flapjacks to form a second course, after the venison steaks and potatoes. He had exhausted his stock of maple sugar, but he produced a small wooden keg of the apparently inexhaustible molasses.

Jackson and Ham walked away, Aunt Martha called after Ham: "'Now, Ham, ef you eber spects to see me agin, don't you forgit your prares ob a night, and de good Laud will fotch you back ef you do dat; but He let you git kill like a cat when you done forget it. Do you mine me, Ham? "Turning to me, she continued: 'I 'spect de rebs git dat darky, then going to the kitchen she gave vent to her grief.

But the mule, who had quieted down, only waggled his ears lazily, and Tom, ready to laugh, now that he saw he had not committed manslaughter, hurried to where the colored man was sitting. "Are you hurt?" asked Tom as he leaned his motor-cycle against the fence and stood beside the negro. "Hurt?" repeated the darky. "I'se killed, dat's what I is! I ain't got a whole bone in mah body!