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In the face of these facts nothing but ignorance of language and of history can still adhere to the idea that the Roman community was once confronted by a Quirite community of a similar kind, and that after their incorporation the name of the newly received community supplanted in ritual and legal phraseology that of the receiver. Comp. iv. The Hill-Romans On The Quirinal, note.

Thus the Capitol was recovered. With respect to the prisoners, punishment was inflicted on each according to his station, whether he was a freeman or a slave. The commons are stated to have thrown farthings into the consul's house, that he might be buried with greater solemnity. See cap. 25, where we read "Cæsonem neque Quintiæ familiæ, neque reipublicæ restitui posse." Comp.

She was always, even as a child, fond of using contractions. I remember her writing to me about a 'comp. and she habitually used 'hols' and 'rec. for holidays and recreation." "It sounds to me," said Titherington, "like a police court." "You don't mean to say that you think she's been arrested for anything?" "I hope so." "Why?" I asked. "Was she too much for you this morning?"

This very inferiority was doubtless the cause which drew them to Jesus, and gained them his favor. Comp. He treated the Samaritans in the same manner. This poor sect, which had neither the genius nor the learned organization of Judaism, properly so called, was treated by the Hierosolymites with extreme harshness. They placed them in the same rank as pagans, but hated them more.

To follow Jesus in expectation of the kingdom of God, was all that at first was implied by being Christian. Comp. Comp. Chagigah, 4 b; Gittin, 57 a, 90 a. It will thus be understood how, by an exceptional destiny, pure Christianity still preserves, after eighteen centuries, the character of a universal and eternal religion.

V. X. Caesar's Fleet and Army in Illyricum Destroyed V. VIII. And in the Courts Much obscurity rests on the shape assumed by the states in northwestern Africa during this period. H. N. v. 2, 19; comp. Bell. IV. IX. Fresh Difficulties with Mithradates V. V. Resumption of the Conspiracy V. X. Reorganization of the Coalition In Africa IV. IV. Reorganization of Numidia

But the most magnificent thing about him was his bass voice, acknowledged to be the finest bass in the town, and one of the finest even in Hanbridge, where, in his earlier prime, James had lived as a `news comp' on the "Staffordshire Signal." He was now a `jobbing comp' in Bursley, because Bursley was his native town and because he preferred jobbing.

It was not only that their princes, like the kings of other countries, desired to have their great deeds celebrated, but the whole people was conscious of another God-sent deliverance and of a clear manifestation of the Divine Power in their affairs, which must be recorded for the benefit of posterity. Comp. In Palestine, however, the historical spirit did not flourish for long.

The ancient constitutional law, as it applied at least to the Roman client- states, seems to have given to the reigning prince the right of ultimate disposal of his kingdom not absolutely, but only in the absence of -agnati- entitled to succeed. Comp. Gutschmid's remark in the German translation of S. Sharpe's History of Egypt, ii. 17.

I am informed by Mr. Gould that this holds good in a marked manner with the marsupials of Australia, the males of which appear to continue growing until an unusually late age. See the very interesting paper by Mr. J.A. Allen in 'Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoology of Cambridge, United States, vol. ii. No. 1, p. 82. The weights were ascertained by a careful observer, Capt. Bryant. Dr.