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Brooke said that he was in something of a hurry to get home, and the visitors took their leave early in the evening. Witherspoon returned to the library after going to the door with Colton. He sat down, stretched forth his feet, meditated for a few moments, and said: "The bark on a beech tree was never any closer than that old man, and yet he is kind-hearted."

"And now," continued Miss Colton, after an interval during which, I presume, she had been waiting for some reply to her frank declaration concerning mind and appetite, "what must I do to help? Shall I unpack the basket?" I was struggling, as we say in Denboro, to get the ship under control. I had been taken aback so suddenly that I had lost steerage way.

"With a big legal reputation made in San Francisco you could travel very fast and far. And you would be learning every thread of every rope, become what is technically known as 'on'; and then when the time came " "I hate so much waiting! The shortest cut is here in the country. I shall manage these men far better than Colton, who is the crudest type of American politician.

"There! there!" she said, sharply, "this is supposed to be a meal, not a parrot shop, and we're humans, not a passel of birds on a telegraph wire all hollerin' at once. Drink your tea and stop your cawin', Lute Rogers. Ros'll tell us when he gets ready. What DID Mr. Colton want of you, Roscoe?" I told them as much of the interview at the Coltons' as I thought necessary they should know.

"Let it be known that Colton has secured control and is satisfied." At noon the figure was 700 bid and 800 asked. There was no trading at all, for the sufficient reason that no shares were to be had. Johnson came in to ask if he should bring my luncheon. I bade him clear out and let me alone. As he was tip-toeing away I called after him. "How is Mr. Colton?" I asked. "Very bad indeed, sir.

There was a scrape, a little scream, and two hands clutched at the Comfort's rail. I let go the wheel, sprang forward and seized the owner of the hands about the waist. The canoe, half full of water, disappeared somewhere astern. I swung Mabel Colton aboard the launch. I think she spoke first.

He did not wish to show more respect than was absolutely necessary to a countryman, but he scarcely dared speak as disrespectfully as he felt. Therefore he compromised by voicing the respect and looking the other way. "Is Mr. Colton in?" I repeated. "I don't know. I I don't think so sir."

Colton is not in the 'abit of receiving callers at this time of night and " He was interrupted. The door behind him, the door leading from the library to the hall, opened and Colton himself appeared. "What is it, Johnson?" he asked. "Anything wrong?" The butler hastened to explain. "No sir," he said; "nothing wrong exactly, sir. There is a person 'ere to see you, sir, and " "To see me, eh?

The rider, who sat so easily in the saddle, was a girl. And the girl was Mabel Colton! She did not notice me at first, but gave her attention to the horse. The animal waded into the water to its knees and, in obedience to a pull on the reins, stopped, bent its head, and began to drink.

A man behind Sanderson lunged forward, twisting Sanderson around with the impetus of the movement. Off his balance, Sanderson saw three or four other men dive toward Colton. He saw Colton reach for the weapon he had previously sheathed; saw the weapon knocked from his hand.