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But when I asked her she misunderstood, and I had not the heart to correct her. I can only remember she said her house was always full in the winter, about Christmas-time. People came for the winter sport. There were two young English ladies who always came to her. She spoke of them warmly. Then, suddenly afraid, she drifted off again.

The Story Teller took his pipe from his mouth a moment, and sat thinking and gazing at the big log, which perhaps reminded him of one of the limbs of the Hollow Tree where the 'Coon and 'Possum and the Old Black Crow lived and had their friends visit them that long-ago snowy Christmas-time. Why, yes, he said, that's so, Mr. Rabbit did tell that story. When Mr.

I know he's just pretend, and it would be you or some of the folks that love me," she said, laying her cheek against his hand; "but I like to pretend it, 'cause it's such fun." "There are a good many weeks yet to Christmas-time," remarked Lulu; "and perhaps our Santa Claus folks will think up something else for you, Gracie."

And the old lord had laughed till he cried, and stared at Esmeralda the whole time of lunch, and when Christmas-time came round, did he not send her the most beautiful box of the best possible paints, the very thing of all others for which she had been longing, so that it seemed after all that it had been a good thing when the terriers Tramp and Scamp had scratched the thin web into a hole!

But if they were of the same mind later, when the latter should be in a position to marry, it was understood that neither his father nor Mr. Percival would oppose it. Unluckily, a parochial question arose near Christmas-time, and the squire and the clergyman took different views of it. Mr.

We've a house full of sleeping company, you understand been there a week some of 'em most of 'em being mistress's relations. 'They probably found it a little dull. 'Well, yes it is rather dull for 'em Christmas-time and all. As soon as it was proposed they were wild for sending post-haste for somebody or other to play to them. 'Did they name me particularly? said Christopher. 'Yes; "Mr.

But so it is; and though people may dance the Cellarius with more gravity in the saloons of St. James's, I question whether dancing be half the fun there that our light-hearted colonists seem to think it. There are no strangers in small colonies it is always a family party dancing together; and consequently, people are as merry as if it were Christmas-time all the year round.

But our Martha heard from her not so long ago why, it was about Christmas-time." "Is she" he was about to add, "in service?" but could not voice the words. "She has an engagement in London?" "Yes; she's a bookkeeper, and earns her pound a week. She was always clever at figures. She got on so well at the school that they wanted her to be a teacher, but she didn't like it. Then Mr.

He told them it was Christmas-time a time at which all men, black or white, feasted; that there were flour, sugar-plums, good things in plenty in the store, and that he would make for them such a pudding as they had never dreamed of a great pudding of which all might eat and be filled. The Blacks listened and were lost. The pudding was made and distributed.

He kept himself above water until nearly Christmas-time, but then he gave in, and disgraced his handicraft by working at the harbor as an ordinary stevedore. "I have wasted five years of my life," he used to say when they met him; "Run away while there's time! Or it'll be the same with you as it was with me."