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John's College," issued its first number in the Lent term of 1858; it contains an article by Butler "On English Composition and Other Matters," signed "Cellarius": Most readers will have anticipated me in admitting that a man should be clear of his meaning before he endeavours to give it any kind of utterance, and that, having made up his mind what to say, the less thought he takes how to say it, more than briefly, pointedly and plainly, the better.

In 1863 Butler's family published in his name A First Year in Canterbury Settlement, which, as the preface states, was compiled from his letters home, his journal and extracts from two papers contributed to the Eagle. These two papers had appeared in the Eagle as three articles entitled "Our Emigrant" and signed "Cellarius."

John's College," issued its first number in the Lent term of 1858; it contains an article by Butler "On English Composition and Other Matters," signed "Cellarius": Most readers will have anticipated me in admitting that a man should be clear of his meaning before he endeavours to give it any kind of utterance, and that, having made up his mind what to say, the less thought he takes how to say it, more than briefly, pointedly and plainly, the better.

Storch, Stubner, and Cellarius fled to Wittenberg, while Munzer roamed about elsewhere in Germany. Carlstadt went on with his innovations without allying himself outwardly with these refugees. But the connection of his aims with theirs could not be mistaken, and as time went on, became more and more apparent.

While the rage for "fast dancing" continued, the measured grace of the Cellarius stood no chance. Now that it has at last happily abated, people are better prepared to appreciate the refined and quiet charm of this really beautiful valse.

The prophets of Zwickau were away from Wittenberg at the moment when Luther returned there. A few weeks after Stubner and Cellarius appeared before Luther. Their real character and spirit were now fully shown him by the arrogance and violence with which they demanded belief in their superior authority, and by their outburst of rage when he ventured to contradict them.

It is a favourite dance with the Parisians, but has never been very popular in England, probably from the same reasons which prevented the success of the Cellarius. Yet it is a pretty dance, and the step is easily acquired. We recommend it to the attention of our readers. The time is 3/8, and quicker than that of the Cellarius. Gentleman takes his partner as in the valse.

My publisher wishes me to say a few words about the genesis of the work, a revised and enlarged edition of which he is herewith laying before the public. I therefore place on record as much as I can remember on this head after a lapse of more than thirty years. The first part of "Erewhon" written was an article headed "Darwin among the Machines," and signed Cellarius.

This is a round dance for two, which, like the Polka Mazourka, is a combination of the steps of one or two other dances. Since the introduction of the Polka and the Cellarius, several dances have been invented which partake largely of the character of both. La Varsovienne is very graceful, and was popular in England a few years ago. It is not often danced now. Take your partner as for the Valse.

Cellarius bestowed much pains on ancient geography. That branch of the science which pays more especial regard to the distances of places, was much advanced by Sanson, in France; Blew, in Holland; and Buraeus, in Sweden. We must now turn to the progress of commerce during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.