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"What did you quit it for, then?" ventured Charley, out of the hushed silence. "Pride," replied the stranger solemnly. "Haughtiness of spirit." "How so?" urged Charley, after a pause. "Them chickens," continued the stranger, after a moment, "stood around listenin' to me a-braggin' of what superior fowls they was until they got all puffed up.

"Would I marry Sir Victor Catheron I? My dear Charley, when you ask rational questions, I shall be happy to answer them, to the best of my ability, but not such absurdity as that." "Then, you will?" "Charley, don't be a tease what do young persons of your juvenile years know about such things?

Charley tossed off a quarter-tumbler of brandy, which, instead of flushing the face, seemed only to deepen the whiteness of the skin, showing up more brightly the spots of colour in the cheeks, that white and red which had made him known as Beauty Steele.

"Yes, of course I know that; but but about you, Charley. You know what Randall said about about her " "About her being married, do you mean? Why, my dear boy, say nothing. I am resigned, and, I may say, almost glad that it is so.

So each boy was working at any job he could pick up after school, and saving all he earned. Both Charley and Lew had already earned more than their share of the purchase money. "You never can tell what will happen," said Lew presently. "Who ever expected Roy to get the job he has? You may land in another just as good.

"I'll be hanged if that's not your fellow there, Charley," said Power, as he came to a dead stop a few yards off. "What an impertinent varlet he is; only to think of him there, presiding among a set of fellows that have fought all the battles in the Peninsular war. At this moment I'll be hanged if he is not going to sing."

As the sun got up the heat became excessive, but we did not dare to stop even for a few seconds under the trees which shaded the banks, lest any of our enemies might be lurking near, and might pounce down upon us. At last Iguma, who had been sitting watching us, offered to take my paddle. At first I felt ashamed to let her have it. "Give it up to her," said Charley.

Billy's bullet knocked out a piece of gold quartz see?" and Charley extended the fragment that he had been clutching tightly. "Then Billy found a sign that said 'Golden West' and is signed by Tom Jones, for a claim; and when we were looking at it that Jacobs gang surprised us and told us to 'git. Let's go back up there. They made Billy leave his gun, too."

'This is very kind of you, said Charley, in rather a doleful voice, for he was already becoming tired of Cursitor Street. Mr. M'Ruen twisted his head round inside his cravat, and put out three fingers by way of shaking hands with the prisoner. 'You seem pretty comfortable here, said M'Ruen. Charley dissented to this, and said that he was extremely uncomfortable.

Those are clouds." "No, siree! Mountains, with snow on 'em!" "Hooray for the Sierras, boys! There's where the gold lies." "See them?" bade Mr. Grigsby, to Charley and his father. "That's the main range of the Sierra Nevada the Snowy Range, as the Spanish goes. It divides California from the Great Desert.