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The ashes of a fire were there, and in the brush not far away a running iron." The eyes of Norris narrowed to slits. He was the cattle detective of the association and for a year now the rustlers had outgeneraled him. "I'll have you take me to the spot, Charley. Get a move on you and we'll get there soon as the moon is up." Melissy gripped the arms of her chair tightly with both hands.

I left my papers, caught up my hat, and went out of the room and the house. I said good morning, but he made no return. Not until nearly eight o'clock did I re-enter. I had of course made up my mind that Charley and I must part. When I opened the door, I thought at first there was no one there. There were no lights, and the fire had burned low. 'Is that you, Wilfrid? said Charley.

True, when Charley Chubb's hand closed over Sara Juke's she experienced a flash of goose flesh; but, you of the classes, what of the Van Ness ball last night? Your gown was low, so that your neck rose out from it like white ivory.

And so I am sure we sang very wonderfully that night. And how the flapjacks disappeared as a result of that singing! We ate until Charley refused to bake any more; then we rolled up in our blankets by the fire and "swapped lies," dropping off one at a time into sleep until the last speaker finished his story with only the drowsy stars for an audience.

It was after sundown that evening, when Toby and Charley had just fed the dogs, and were about to return to the cabin, when suddenly there appeared out of the silent forest a party of six Indians, each hauling a heavily laden flat sled, or toboggan.

All this and a great deal more Charley noted at a glance; for the hundreds of beautiful and interesting objects in nature which take so long to describe even partially, and are feebly set forth after all even by the most graphic language, flash upon the eye in all their force and beauty, and are drunk in at once in a single glance.

I gets the first un!" and with a mighty yank she flung a three-pound trout clear of the hole. A few minutes later Charley, no less excited and thrilled, landed one that was even larger than the one Violet had caught, and at the end of half an hour the three had caught forty big fellows, some of which, Charley declared, were "as big as shad."

"Yes, yes! that is the very book!" exclaimed Margery, "how could you guess so quickly?" "Because I know of no other book with a man Friday in it, or one so interesting," said Charley; "but I must tell you one thing.

"This is the chap, Ben," Charley said, nodding towards Fred, and that was all the introduction which was deemed necessary. "I am happy to know you," said "Fred, grasping n hand that was about the size of a shoulder of mutton, and twice as hard and nubby.

It would be better to hear stories about the chair than to sit doing nothing and thinking of nothing." To say the truth, our friend Charley was very much out of humor with the storm, because it had kept him all day within doors, and hindered him from making a trial of a splendid sled, which Grandfather had given him for a New-Year's gift.