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"And I raised him, I raised him from a puppy!" The female voice, at this, addressed the traveller who was examining the automobile: "Charley, a five or a ten spot is what her feelings need."

The Sunday papers 'd like to get Amateur Night done up brown in a nice little package, and the manager don't see it that way. Gets wild-eyed at the thought of it." "And what's your turn?" she asked. "Who? me? Oh, I'm doin' the tramp act tonight. I'm Charley Welsh, you know."

He had been waiting at Mrs Hadwin's for the last two hours. He had seen that worthy woman's discomposed looks, and felt that she did not shake her head for nothing. Jack had been the bugbear of the family for a long time past. Gerald was conscious of adding heavily at the present moment to the Squire's troubles. Charley was at Malta, in indifferent health; all the others were boys.

'You will explain it all to Charley won't you? she said, as soon as she could speak, withdrawing herself from the arm which had involuntarily crept around her, seeking to comfort her. 'I will, I said. We were startled by a sound in the clump of trees behind us. Then over their tops passed a wailful gust of wind, through which we thought came the fall of receding footsteps.

Charley, light and strong, felt that he could hold on for some time, but at the same time was afraid of struggling and endeavouring to get up on the cliff lest he should lose his gripe altogether. Tom had stuck his hook into the earth, but he in the same way knew that in attempting to climb up on to the top of the cliff, he might slip, and fall to the bottom.

'The gentleman, of course, gives way at the last minute, continued Mrs. Woodward. 'The scene in which he sits with the unopened letter lying on his table before him has some merit; but this probably arises from the fact that the letter is dumb, and the gentleman equally so. 'D nation! said Charley, whose patience could not stand such impudence at this.

"Yes, I know he took your coat, but that wasn't Charley Downs; it was the tarantula-juice he'd been imbibing in Omaha. Left alone he's as honest as I am; and here's a run that would trip up a missionary. For instance, leaving Loneville the other night, a man came running alongside the car and threw in a bundle of bills that looked like a bale of hay.

"But I thought you suspected us of setting fire to the forest," said Charley. "I never said so," replied Mr. Marlin. "I merely asked you if you had started the fire." "It's pretty much the same thing," said Charley. "Not at all, young man. Not at all. I did not really suspect you. But I saw there was a possibility that you might have done just what I suggested.

"No," the young man answered; "my virtues are as lasting as they are numerous. May I ask, how it is that I have suddenly become 'Mr. Stuart, when it has been 'Charley' and 'dear Cousin Charley' for the past two years?" Miss Darrell laughed a little and blushed a little again, showing very white teeth and lovely color.

Whereupon Charley said that he could easily neutralise that by putting a green star under each eye; and then uttered a fervent wish that his friend Harry Somerville could only see him in that guise.