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Ch'ing Wen, however, entered the room. It was in perfect darkness. There was not even so much as a lantern burning, and Tai-yue was already ensconced in bed. "Who is there?" she shouted. "It's Ch'ing Wen!" promptly replied Ch'ing Wen. "What are you up to?" Tai-yue inquired. "Mr. Secundus," explained Ch'ing Wen, "sends you some handkerchiefs, Miss."

Yao ordered Shên I to go and slay the devils and monsters who were causing all this mischief, placing three hundred men at his service for that purpose. Shên I took up his post on Mount Ch'ing Ch'iu to study the cause of the devastating storms, and found that these tempests were released by Fei Lien, the Spirit of the Wind, who blew them out of a sack.

The very mention of the word "we" made it certain to Ch'ing Wen that she implied herself and Pao-yue, and thus unawares more fuel was added again to her jealous notions. Giving way to several loud smiles, full of irony: "I can't make out," she insinuated, "who you may mean. But don't make me blush on your account! Even those devilish pranks of yours can't hoodwink me!

"That's nice," exclaimed Ch'ing Wen, as she came to meet him with a smile on her face, "you tell me to prepare the ink for you, but though when you get up, you were full of the idea of writing, you only wrote three characters, when you discarded the pencil, and ran away, fooling me, by making me wait the whole day! Come now at once and exhaust all this ink before you're let off."

"If both of you are to sleep on that," Pao-yue smiled, "there won't be a soul with me outside, and I shall be in an awful funk. Even you won't be able to have a wink of sleep during the whole night!" "As far as I'm concerned," Ch'ing Wen put in, "I'm going to sleep in here. There's She Yueeh, so you'd better induce her to come and sleep outside."

When Pao-yue saw that Ch'ing Wen had in her attempt to finish mending the peacock-down cloak exhausted her strength and fatigued herself, he hastily bade a young maid help him massage her; and setting to work they tapped her for a while, after which, they retired to rest. But not much time elapsed before broad daylight set in.

Imagining, however, that Pao-yue could not be coming back at that hour, Hsi Jen shouted laughing: "who's it now knocking at the door? There's no one to go and open." "It's I," rejoined Pao-yue. "It's Miss Pao-ch'ai's tone of voice," added She Yueeh. "Nonsense!" cried Ch'ing Wen. "What would Miss Pao-ch'ai come over to do at such an hour?"

Better for us to show ourselves sensible of her kindness and by and bye pack the girl off, and finish." "Your suggestion is all very good," Ch'ing Wen demurred, "but how could I suppress this resentment?" "What's there to feel resentment about?" Pao-yue asked. "Just you take good care of yourself; it's the best thing you can do." Ch'ing Wen then took her medicine.

Ch'ing Wen retorted, and as she uttered these words, she took the money, and forthwith dashing the portiere after her, she quitted the room. Pao-yue stood at the back of She Yueeh, and She Yueeh sat opposite the glass, so that the two of them faced each other in it, and Pao-yue readily observed as he gazed in the glass, "In the whole number of rooms she's the only one who has a glib tongue!"

But by and bye when I recover, I shall take one by one of you and flay your skin off for you." Ting Erh, a young maid, was struck with dismay, and ran up to her with hasty step. "Miss," she inquired, "what's up with you?" "Is it likely that the rest are all dead and gone, and that there only remains but you?" Ch'ing Wen exclaimed. But while she spoke, she saw Chui Erh also slowly enter the room.