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Suppose, since he could not find her, he would venture a few shrewd guesses in his paper to-morrow morning connecting that "secret mission" the Daily had mentioned with Mrs. Elbert Carstairs. Miss Carstairs would see what the Gazette said; and what questions would she have to ask him before she would come as his guest to the yacht?...

Carstairs smilingly asked him if he was any relation to the railroad king, of whom the papers spoke as King Cole, and was somewhat embarrassed when the old gentleman replied, gravely, that he was that King Cole himself. Carstairs had a humorous desire to imprison him in his studio and keep him for ransom.

The man was talking as he approached, but what he said did not much matter to Frank. It did not much matter to Frank till his new friend, Mr. Carstairs, whispered a word in his ear. "It's Nappie, by gum!" Then there crept across Frank's mind an idea that there might be trouble coming. "There he is," said Nappie, bringing his pony to a dead stop with a chuck, and jumping out of the buggy.

Gavin Smeaton's bringing-up. But now as regards the secret. Michael Carstairs was evidently a rolling stone who came up against some queer characters Gilverthwaite was one, Phillips whoever he may have been another. It's very evident, from what I've heard from you, that the three men were associates at one time.

In all endeavours he had been unsuccessful; for Jessie independently of being aware, from the admonitions of the pious Widow Willison, that an acquaintanceship with a person above her degree was improper and dangerous had a lover of her own, a young man of the name of William Forbes, a clerk to Mr. Carstairs, an advocate, at that time in great practice at the Scotch bar.

"So you see how many of us," continued Peter, nearing his awkward climax, "have been worried, personally, about this trouble. And how much, well how much happiness is bound up in your getting well. And by the way I declare I nearly forgot Miss Carstairs I declare!" There was a long silence, which Peter resolved not to break.

"Well, you're in charge, Carstairs," he told me. "It's up to you." "It is," I admitted, "and as the first step towards success I might point out to you that the mist is lifting." He wheeled round at that with greater agility than I expected, seeing that by his own account he was still feeling pretty dicky.

"Do you know who's one of the witnesses to this will? Aye, who are the two witnesses? Man! you could have knocked me down with a feather when I saw the names! Look for yourself!" He handed me the paper and pointed to the attestation clause with which it ended. And I saw the two names at once John Phillips, Michael Carstairs and I let out a cry of astonishment.

The subtle and restless Wildman, who had some time before found England an unsafe residence, and had retired to Germany, now repaired from Germany to the Prince's court. There too was Carstairs, a presbyterian minister from Scotland, who in craft and courage had no superior among the politicians of his age.

This was what he wanted to say to the Earl, but he found it very difficult to say it in language that should be natural. "MY DEAR LORD BRACY, When I learned, through Mary's mother, that Carstairs had been here in our absence and made a declaration of love to our girl, I was, I must confess, annoyed.