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Nags a bit fresh. Jim walked on. So this was Donald Macdougal, J.P., of Boobyalla. The young man's annoyance fell from him. He thought of the devoted husband's greeting after their long parting, and laughed aloud. Macdougal of Boobyalla was no demonstrative lover.

It seemed to add to his weight, to give some little quality of substance to his being. He thought he might thank her with a pressure of his fingers presently, but the necessary power did not come, and he drifted into sleep. THE Christmas of 1854 was the gayest ever known at Boobyalla; never had Mrs.

'He's the man who was in the trap with Macdougal of Boobyalla the other day in Swanston Street. 'The swell in the choker and double-decker? 'Yes. For some reason his face impressed me. I couldn't mistake it. 'Didn't notice it; but if he's own brother to Governor Latrobe himself, I'll take my affie he's a lag.

'Good boy! Ryder replaced his revolver on a convenient ledge, and as Yarra appeared before him, grinning in-the moonlight, he added a few words of thanks and of praise in the native tongue. 'What happen by Boobyalla? 'Mine bin chase it that feller all day. Yarra pointed at Solo, and his white teeth glittered like tiny mirrors.

You kill mine Boss? Perhaps it was the remembrance of the many kicks and cuts he had received at the hands of Monkey Mack that inspired the impish eagerness in Yarra's face, perhaps his affection for the dead man moved him. Jim Done looked at the boy curiously. 'Boss belonga you sit down by Boobyalla? he asked. Yarra shook his head. 'No fear, he said.

But ere this, and long before Jim Done was again conscious of the world about him, poor Mike Burton had been buried with the rest of the slain insurgents in a common grave. Fever supervened on Jim Done's injuries, and December passed as he lay helpless in Mary Kyley's tent, babbling of Chisley, of life on the Francis Cadman, and of Diamond Gully and Boobyalla.

'It is very sad, parting with old friends, murmured Mrs. Macdougal, with veiled eyes. 'Sadder parting with new ones, replied Jim, glancing towards Lucy. 'Oh yes, it is, is it not? But you will come and visit us some time at Boobyalla. We are shipmates, and that's a sort of relationship in Australia. Done thanked her, but equivocated.

He could not see himself as the guest of the great Donald Macdougal, J.P., of Boobyalla. The lady experienced a glow of impatience. Only a hobbledehoy could prefer Lucy Woodrow's immature charms to the ripe perfections of a woman of her years.

Make a track by the bank some time, turn him in pool where black fish sit down, and ride back up creek again, and tie horse up by big rock same monkey bear. Then to-night you creep down by Boobyalla, knock on Miss Lucy's window, gib Miss Lucy this letter. No one else must see.

'I am not unhappy. She had seated herself beside him, and passed an arm about the shy child, of whom little more than one dark eye was visible, peeping at Jim from the other side, and yet that one eye recalled humorous impressions of Mrs. Donald Macdougal of Boobyalla. He expected to see it start revolving coquettishly. 'You are stronger. You have grown, he said.