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"Yes," said Paul, "I got tired and fell asleep, and I don't know when I should have waked up but for your dog." "Yes, Boney's got a keen scent for provisions," laughed the pedler. "He's a little graspin', like his namesake. You see his real name is Bonaparte; we only call him Boney, for short." Meanwhile he had stopped his horse. He was about to start afresh, when a thought struck him.

Through chattering teeth he moaned: "He'll kill Boney, Pa!" "Let him alone!" was the sharp command. "I never see sich a dog in my life. He'll kill that coon by hisself, I tell ye!" Again his enemy broke Boney's grim hold on his throat, sprang back four feet and, to the dog's surprise, made no effort to reach the water.

The man leaned upon his oar, and I could see in the gloom that his face was thrust forward, and that it was wrinkled with suspicion. 'If you're one of Boney's spies he cried. 'I! A spy! The tone of my voice was enough to convince him. 'Well, said he, I'm darned if I know what you are. But if you'd been a spy I'd ha' had no hand in landing you, whatever the skipper might say.

The others were not in his class. The Boy's heart swelled with pride. "Old Boney's showin' 'em all the way!" he exclaimed triumphantly. "Yer can bet he always does that, Sonny!" the father answered. "That's a hot trail. Nigh ez I can figger we're goin' ter have some fun. There's more'n one coon travelin' over that ground." "How can you tell?" Dennis asked incredulously.

How much is in it I know not. It was placed there by an old mate of mine more than forty years ago. He was a great man for the guinea trade that was carried on with France in the time of Boney's wars. I never rightly myself understood that business.

"Waal, we'll try ter git a dog ter yank one of 'em out an' then they'll all come. But I have my doubts. I don't believe that Godamighty ever yet built a dog that'll stick his nose in that hole. Hit takes three dogs ter kill one coon in a fair fight. Old Boney's the only pup I ever seed do it by hisself.

Before the news of Lützen reached him, he undoubtedly encouraged the allies: but that reverse brought about a half left turn towards Napoleon. "Boney's success at Lützen," wrote Sir G. Jackson in his Diary, "has made Francis reconsider his half-formed resolutions." Here was the chief difficulty for the allies.

The sword is all very well, and I don't say it is not a useful weapon, but a regiment that could shoot really shoot well would be a match for any three French regiments, though they were Boney's best."

You don't know military affairs, my dear. I do, and I tell you there's no infantry in France can stand against Rooshian infantry, and no general of Boney's that's fit to hold a candle to Wittgenstein. Then there are the Austrians, they are five hundred thousand if a man, and they are within ten marches of the frontier by this time, under Schwartzenberg and Prince Charles.

I don't say as she ain't the lastin'est kind er fool, ner I don't say a child ain't worse spattin' the lines an' standin' up an' hollerin' but I do say, 'tain't none of our business to shed 'em daown the road." "We don't," said the Deacon. "The baby tried to git some o' my tail for a sooveneer last fall when I was up to the haouse, an' I didn't kick. Boney's talk ain't goin' to hurt us any.