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All his previous experiences and all his aspirations his passionate belief in friendship, his principle of the equality of women with men, his demand for bloodless revolution, his confidence in eloquence and reason to move nations, his doctrine of free love, his vegetarianism, his hatred of religious intolerance and tyranny are blent together and concentrated in the glowing cantos of this wonderful romance.

"Where where are we?" she whispered. "All right! This is one of my hide-outs. Is that old Blent up yonder?" "Oh, Jerry! he's not on the island to-day. He's left the constable " "Lem Daggett?" "Yes. They are searching for you. But I was with Tom and Helen and the others. We brought you some food " He led her along a narrow shelf, which had been swept quite free of snow.

"Among the minor seats of the nobility Blent is considered a very perfect example," she heard Sloyd say to the Major, who was unobtrusively but steadily urging him in the direction of the landau. She turned to bid him good-by, and he came up to her, hat in hand. "Thank you. I like the place," she said. "Do you do you think we shall make acquaintance with the people at Blent Hall?"

"My love," said Janie. Her father glanced quickly at her. Harry jumped into the saddle, waved his hand to them, and started at a gallop for Blent. The groom, with another touch of his hat, trudged off in his master's track. Janie Iver stood looking as long as Harry was in sight. "He won't spare the horse," said Iver. "Well, he can't this time; and anyhow he wouldn't, if he wanted to get there."

And his presence was requested. He put these two things together. They must mean that the secret was to be told that evening at Blent, and that he was to be vouched as evidence, if by chance Cecily asked for it. On the very day of the wedding the truth was to be revealed.

The curtain rose again, in the midst of that uproarious tempest of triumph, and the author appeared. His profile was aquiline; his theatrical triumphs and loose way of living had enveloped him in a cloud of prestige, blent of talent and scandal. He looked a little above forty, but his lithe body still kept all the graceful activity of youth.

Love for love's sake, first love indeed, had blent with one of the strange violent fancies which sometimes possess these poor creatures; and love and admiration of Lucien's great beauty taught Coralie to express the thoughts in her heart. "I should love you if you were ill and ugly," she whispered as they sat down. What a saying for a poet!

Judge Whaley had lighted a large oil lamp, and its shade threw the flame upon his strong magisterial face, wherein grief and righteousness seemed as highly blent as in some indigent republican Milton or Pym. "My father," said Perry Whaley with the tender tone habitual to him, "I have consulted your wishes as well as my desire. Marion Voss will be my wife."

"I can't endure it any longer." "Oh, I can, I'm all right. I hope you haven't been worrying?" "Worrying! I've robbed you, robbed you of everything. Oh, I know you did it yourself! That makes it worse. How did I come to make you do it?" "I don't know," he said again. "Well, you seemed so in your place at Blent. Somehow you made me feel an interloper. And " He paused a moment.

Some say there is enjoyment in looking back to painful experience past; but at this day I can scarcely bear to review the times to which I allude: the moral degradation, blent with the physical suffering, form too distressing a recollection ever to be willingly dwelt on. I blamed none of those who repulsed me.