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Speaking to me of the subject, he said, "The <tender> meeting of madame de Grammont and the marechal de Luxembourg must indeed be an overpowering sight; I only trust these two ladies may not drop the mask too soon, and bite each other's ear while they are embracing."

He is good to bite peddlers and small children, and run out and yelp at wagons that pass by, and to howl all night when the moon shines. And yet, if I were a boy again, the first thing I would have should be a dog; for dogs are great companions, and as active and spry as a boy at doing nothing. They are also good to bark at woodchuck-holes.

The stores are to be burned, the railroad bridge destroyed, the track torn up, engines, if there are any, are to be ditched, and everything destroyed except private residences. You understand?" The officers said they did, and they went back to their companies and ordered the men to get a bite to eat.

Their ears were slit and they were set in the stocks if they preached, and if any tender-hearted person gave them bed, bite, or sup, he, too, was liable to punishment. They were charged with the awful offence of preaching false doctrine, and no matter how pure their lives might be, the stern Salemite would concede no good of them while their faith was different from his.

But that was nothing to the bite in her breast when the girl began singing a song that had not a word in it she had ever heard on her own or other lips, but was wild as the sound of the tide calling in dark nights of cloud and wind, or as the sudden coming of waves over a quiet sea in the silence of the black hours of sleep.

"Take care that he doesn't bite you!" "My, what a big fellow!" "He is heading this way!" Such were some of the cries uttered by the young hunters and Sid Todd as all beheld a large-sized snake crawling from a hole under the tree. That it was a rattler there was no doubt. All leaped back, for the sight momentarily stunned them.

"As it is," she answered, lightly, "I respect you as I would any sincere fighter for a losing cause. And I shall probably feel some sympathy for you after the cause is lost. Excuse my breaking in on your sermon, provided it is not finished, but I think you have a bite, Mr. Paine." I had, very much of a bite.

Something's got to be done, or he'll be biting some one." "Uncle," said Miss Laura, "people don't always die when they are bitten by dogs, do they?" "No, certainly not," replied Mr. Wood. "In my humble opinion there's a great lot of nonsense talked about the poison of a dog's bite and people dying of hydrophobia.

We arrived about three o'clock at the river where salmon were said to abound; but when the evening brought the labour of an entire day to its close, neither R nor P were able to speak to the truth of that abundance, for they had not even a bite between them.

If I don't take the bargain you pull that trigger?" "Exactly." "H'm! You may have heard the voices of the men who came up the hall with me?" "Yes." "The moment a report of a gun is heard they'll swarm up to this room and get you." "They made too much noise. Barking dogs don't bite. Besides, the moment I've dropped you I go out that window." "It's a good bluff, Lanning," said the other.