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"Upon that, Dodger, brave as a lion, walked up to the man, and, says he: "'Give back that apple, or pay for it! "'What's that to you, you impudent young rascal? says the man, raisin' the apple to his mouth. But he didn't get a chance to bite it, for Dodger, with a flip of his hand, knocked it on the sidewalk, and picked it up. "Wasn't the man mad just?" "'I'll smash you, boy, he growled.

At last when she heard them snoring and knew they were both sound asleep, she got up silently, dressed herself, and climbed the ladder leading to the deck. Only one thought was in her heart, to save herself by instant flight. There were no extra clothes, not a bite of food to take with her.

"But at every bite, sir, the thin blades grow smaller and smaller!" "They will last long enough! pull on! But who can tell" he muttered "whether these sharks swim to feast on the whale or on Ahab? But pull on! Aye, all alive, now we near him. The helm! take the helm! let me pass," and so saying two of the oarsmen helped him forward to the bows of the still flying boat.

Dissolve in hot water and add a wine-glassful of carbolic acid. This is rubbed on all parts liable to come in contact with the hot articles. After anointing the mouth with this solution rinse with strong vinegar. No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth.

He turned around and saw the face of his friend the Dreamer, the Brushwood Boy, with his bright eyes and disheveled hair. And beside him was the radiant presence of the Girl Who Understood. "Lieber Meister," said the Boy, "you are coming now with us. There is a bite and a sup, and a pipe and an open fire, waiting for you in our room and I have a story to read you. Bitte komm!"

Without attempting to "sound," the furious monster kept mostly below the surface; but whenever he rose, it was either to deliver a fearful blow with his tail, or, with jaws widespread, to try and bite one of our boats in half. Well was it for us that he was severely handicapped by a malformation of the lower jaw.

Field-mice bite off the germs of the corn which they collect together, in order to prevent its growing during the winter. Some days before the beginning of cold weather the squirrel is most assiduous in augmenting its store, and then closes its dwelling.

"It is not lucky to save an enemy, and if I know anything of that stinkcat, he will bite your finger badly by way of gratitude. Bah! lad, if I were you I should just camp for a few days in the bush, and then come back and say that I could find nothing of Pereira except the dead hyenas that had been poisoned by eating him. Good luck to you all the same, Allan; may I find such a friend in need.

They buried him under a rosebush, and raised a nice white marble monument over his grave, with the following epitaph: "Here lies Tom Thumb, King Arthur's knight, Who died by spider's cruel bite.

The fact of the matter was that McTeague, when he had been drinking, used to bite them, crunching and grinding them with his immense teeth, always ingenious enough to remember which were the sorest. Sometimes he extorted money from her by this means, but as often as not he did it for his own satisfaction.