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One would think, on the triumphant return from a glorious campaign, this might have been accomplished with more refinement than by the representation of the disgusting state of an imaginary invalid. But Louis XIV. was not so fastidious; he was very well content with the buffoon whom he protected, and even occasionally exhibited his own elevated person in the dances of his ballets.

I must go and get my brats out of bed." And off he went. The five men emerged, one after another, from the enclosure. When Gavroche had disappeared at the corner of the Rue des Ballets, Babet took Thenardier aside. "Did you take a good look at that young 'un?" he asked. "What young 'un?" "The one who climbed the wall and carried you the rope." "Not particularly."

It was inconsistent that he should have been so completely abashed at sight of a fully-dressed sleeping girl who was placidly unconscious of his gaze, when it was his custom to regularly occupy the stalls and enjoy the choruses and ballets composed of young ladies very wide awake, and wearing only as much covering as compelled by the law; but where is consistency?

It may have been consumption and Mauclair makes out a strong case and it may have been the expression of a rare poetic temperament. Watteau was a poet of excessive sensibility as well as the contriver of dainty masques and ballets. In literature one man at least has understood him, Walter Pater.

"Cher papa, how long before we shall go to Paris?" inquired Floracita. "In two or three weeks, I hope," was the reply. "Won't it be delightful!" exclaimed she. "You will take us to see ballets and everything."

Other songs followed, with utter irrelevance mere snatches from "ballets" composed, mainly, by the mountaineers themselves, though some dated back to a long-forgotten age when the British ancestors of these Carolina woodsmen were battling with lance and long-bow. It was one of modern and local origin that John was singing when there came a diversion from without

In rapid and bewildering succession there are ballets on skates, solo skating numbers, skating carnivals and skating races.

This is the trifle. The Marechal de Villeroy, incapable of inspiring the King with any solid ideas, adoring even to worship the deceased King, full of wind, and lightness, and frivolity, and of sweet recollections of his early years, his grace at fetes and ballets, his splendid gallantries, wished that the King, in imitation of the deceased monarch, should dance in a ballet.

"And here," said Gambara, sadly, "there is one of those wretched ballets, which interrupt the thread of the finest musical tragedies! But Mahomet elevates it once more by his great prophetic scene, which poor Monsieur Voltaire begins with these words: "Arabia's time at last has come! The tribes arrive in crowds; the horns and brass reappear in the orchestra.

Nor was it many years before she established her claim to the approbation of the general public, fulfilling the promise of her childhood by performances of such singular originality as to deserve the name of genuine artistic creations, and which have hardly ever been successfully attempted since her time: such as "The Blind Boy" and "Deaf and Dumb;" the latter, particularly, in its speechless power and pathos of expression, resembling the celebrated exhibitions of Parisot and Bigottini, in the great tragic ballets in which dancing was a subordinate element to the highest dramatic effects of passion and emotion expressed by pantomime.