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Andra, it was plain to see, had ready given poor Buck a deal to think about later on. She was handsome, dark-eyed, light-haired with a peachy complexion a combination hard indeed for a susceptible youth to resist. Avella, her sister, blue-eyed, dark-haired, a year older than her sister, was equally fascinating, yet in a different way.

"That you, ladies?" Byers turned suddenly, then his eyes sought his glass again. "Why, it is quite evident that the machine is a Fokker and disabled. He'll make it all right, I guess." "That is a German machine, isn't it?" asked Avella anxiously. "Mightn't it be a hostile one?" queried Andra. "The plane is of hostile make, Miss Walsen, but the chap inside is one of us, you may be sure. There!

Andra gave a nervous scream. Avella was shocked, of course, but had her glass the next instant upon Buck Bangs, at that moment engaged in a fierce duel with two enemy opponents. "Look! Look!" called Andra. "He's falling ah-h-h!" This last word was long drawn out during which, to her intense joy, Blaine had righted himself and was behind and below the other plane.

It's sagging downward. I wonder Here Avella interrupted with a slight scream as she too, caught sight of a faint, filmy something that was teetering slowly down, but not in straight lines as is usual when planes are descending in the regular methods employed by aviators when striving to reach a certain landing. "What is the matter with it?" queried Andra to any one within hearing.

‘Never mind him or the dook; he is drabbed; come away, or we shall be grabbedboth of us.’ ‘One more blow, I know where his head lies.’ ‘You are mad, bebee; leave the fellowgorgio avella.’ And thereupon the females hurried away. A vehicle of some kind was evidently drawing nigh; in a little time it came alongside of the place where lay the fallen tent, and stopped suddenly.

Andra and Avella were smiling now, both doubly charming in their new Red Cross gowns. As a matter of fact all three lads in their clean, trim aviation uniforms presented both a manly, martial and genteel appearance. At the last moment in came Captain Byers just in from the front; and with him was Stanley, pale and rather thin, yet surprisingly strong, considering his severe experiences.

"Let us follow them, father," urged Andra, while Avella tugged at her sister's arm, sure that the Senator would go too. "Come on, papa." Both girls were off, while the Senator came after, though at a slower pace.

He talks earnestly, rapidly, western fashion, ending with" "I don't know bow I shall come out of all this! But I do know that Montana and Idaho are side by side. May I come to see you then?" "Yes, provided that neither you nor Mr. Blaine forget that Paris leave which I feel sure you will get." And Avella Walsen blushed prettily. "But I must go back to father now. Good-bye."

Presently some more played, and he permitted one or two to win, and the eagerness to play with him became greater. After I had looked on for some time, I was moving away: just then I perceived a short, thick personage, with a staff in his hand, advancing in a great hurry; whereupon, with a sudden impulse, I exclaimed Shoon thimble-engro; Avella gorgio.

Fully alive to the peculiar exigencies of the situation, and deeply sympathizing with Avella, Andra clung to and supported her sister until both were themselves again. Thereafter they watched, helped when they could, and as a rule kept as quiet as mice.