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From the remains on the island the skin, scales, and bones they found that he must have slain and eaten several alligators during his enforced imprisonment on the island. They will eat alligators when pressed by hunger, and they have been known to subsist on turtles, tortoises, iguanas, and even jackals. Only the other day in Assam, a son of Dr.

The lodger's name was Cobbington; and Jackman thought he was poor." "He must have been, to take a room at Captain Boomsby's house." "I asked Jackman what things besides the trunks he had carried to the St. Johns Hotel. He replied that Cobbington had a pet rattlesnake and a box of alligators." "All this goes to confirm Captain Boomsby's explanation," I added. "I think it has a tendency that way.

"I am alone," he told himself, "on a railroad embankment, entirely surrounded by alligators." And then he found he was not alone. In the darkness, illuminated by a match, not a hundred yards from him there flashed suddenly the face of a man. Then the match went out and the face with it.

The day was unusually warm and bright for that season of the year, and as they floated quietly down-stream they surprised a number of alligators lying on the banks sunning themselves. As they were the first of these great reptiles that either Mr. Elmer or Mark had ever seen, they watched them with curiosity not unmixed with fear lest they should attack and upset the light canoe.

Alligators abounded once on this lower Chagres, but they have grown scarce now, or shy, and though we sat with H 's automatic rifle across our knees in turns we saw no more than a carcass or a skeleton on the bank at the foot of the sheer wall of impenetrable verdure.

The alligators were larger; but the white-faced owls were unchanged unless perhaps a little wiser, a little more instructed in the oldest secrets of an old, secretive world. "See the way that white-veiled witch stares at me with her golden eyes?" said Nick. "Wish I could flatter myself she remembers me."

"I'd like to be sure we haven't gone back; and that this place is itself, and not the other." We went ahead however, though but slowly; and after passing four nights and three days upon this miniature Mississippi, for the characteristics are exactly similar, even to the owls and alligators, we were safely landed at Augusta; perhaps, the most enterprising and most thriving community in Georgia.

This affirmation from the pilot was worth a good deal, and was of a hope-inspiring nature. However, Benito, who did not care so much for words as he did for things, thought proper to reply, "Yes, Araujo; the body of Torres is in the river, and we shall find it if " "If?" said the pilot. "If it has not become the prey of the alligators!" Manoel and Fragoso waited anxiously for Araujo's reply.

You must be very cautious before you venture to swim across this creek, for the alligators are numerous, and near twenty feet long. On the present occasion the Indians took uncommon precautions lest they should be devoured by this cruel and voracious reptile.

He liked even the troops of sorrowful-faced monkeys that profaned the quiet spots with capricious gambols and insane gestures of inhuman madness. He loved everything there, animated or inanimated; the very mud of the riverside; the very alligators, enormous and stolid, basking on it with impertinent unconcern. Their size was a source of pride to him. "Immense fellows!