United States or Svalbard and Jan Mayen ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They sailed a little farther along the coast, now between narrow islands that were like the streets of Genoa, where the boughs of trees on either hand brushed the shrouds of the ships; now past harbours where there were native fairs and markets, and where natives were to be seen mounted on horses and armed with swords; now by long, lonely stretches of the coast where there was nothing to be seen but the low green shore with the mountains behind and the alligators basking at the river mouths.

A vexatious incident John Bull enraged Woman's rights Alligators become hosses A popular host Military display A mirth-provoking gun Grave reminiscences Attractions of the fair Past and present A floating palace Black companions A black baby Externals of Buffalo The flag of England.

Its shores, he said, were beset by savage tribes, against whose numbers and ferocity their valor would avail nothing: its waters were infested by serpents, alligators, and unnatural monsters; while the river itself, after raging among rocks and whirlpools, plunged headlong at last into a fathomless gulf, which would swallow them and their vessel for ever.

She brought a stool with her, and put it near the bow of the boat, a little in front and on one side of the box on which Rectus and I were sitting. Then she sat quietly down and gazed out ahead. The seal-skin cap was rather too warm for the day, perhaps, but she looked very pretty in it. Directly she looked around at us. "Where do you shoot alligators?" said she.

"Jaguars and alligators, Indians and bandits, and hard climbing I was prepared for, but I certainly never expected that we should have to turn ourselves into wood-cutters." "It is hard work, Bertie, but it is useless to grumble, and, as Dias says, we shall become accustomed to it in two or three months." "Two or three months!"

If I'd only listened instead of worrying about my knees and the revolver, and staring so. And you in the Everglades where your father went to hunt alligators. Oh, Diane, Diane, not a single night could I sleep and it's not to be wondered at that I was scared. And the dance you did for Nathalie Fowler and me and the costume that night at Sherrill's. I was fairly sick!

But while he was cleaning his fish, another one crept up to him, and would have dragged him into the water if Bartram had not looked up just in time to get out of his way. The next day he was pursued by more alligators; but he beat them off with his club, and got away. "Marion'S Men" were famous in the Revolution for their bold adventures. The best known of all these bold men was Sergeant Jasper.

"The imps will lie for hours, like sleeping alligators, brooding their deviltries in dreams and other craftiness, until such time as they see some real danger is at hand, and then they look to themselves the same as other mortals. But this is a scouter in his war-paint! There should be more of his tribe at no great distance.

Australia has the fewest and North and Central America the greatest number of species. Crocodiles and alligators, with their hard leathery coats, come as near to them as do any living creatures, and when we see a huge snapping turtle come out of the water and walk about on land, we cannot fail to be reminded of the fellow with the armoured back.

Our crew half-filled the boat with small live turtles, and eggs dried in the sun. The alligators, which are among the principal persecutors of the turtles, find their own young attacked by vultures.