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Updated: August 3, 2024

He was like one of the family at the Ivashins' and had a tender, fatherly affection for Zina, as well as a great admiration for her. "I was coming to see you," he said, overtaking Pyotr Mihalitch. "Get in; I'll give you a lift." He was smiling and looked cheerful.

Pyotr Mihalitch was tempted to say, "Don't meddle in what does not concern you," but he held his tongue. Vlassitch walked by his right stirrup and Zina by the left; both seemed to have forgotten that they had to go home. It was damp, and they had almost reached Koltovitch's copse.

"In saying that, Sidi Hadji, thou sayest a thing which is at odds with half the truth." They were startled at the voice of Habib coming from behind their backs. "For thy daughter, Sidi Hadji, thy Zina, is surely as lovely as the full moon sinking in the west in the hour before the dawn." The words were fair. But bel-Kalfate was looking at his son's face.

When they stopped near Koltovitch's copse to say good-bye, he bent down to Zina, touched her shoulder, and said: "You are right, Zina! You have done well." To avoid saying more and bursting into tears, he lashed his horse and galloped into the wood.

Zina Young Card, has been a trustee since 1914. Mrs. Gates was on the board of the State Agricultural College 1905-1913. Mrs. A. W. McCune was on this board ten years, seven of them its vice-president. Mrs. Rebecca M. Little, Mrs. Antoinette B. Kinney and Dr. Belle A. Gummel have been regents of the university.

I'll work in the sweat of my brow, I'll work day and night in fact, I will strain every nerve to make Zina happy. Her life will be a splendid one! You may ask, am I able to do it. I am, brother! When a man devotes every minute to one thought, it's not difficult for him to attain his object. But let us go to Zina; it will be a joy to her to see you." Pyotr Mihalitch's heart began to beat.

Of the Gershonites were, Laadan, and Shimei. The sons of Laadan; the chief was Jehiel, and Zetham, and Joel, three. The sons of Shimei; Shelomith, and Haziel, and Haran, three. These were the chief of the fathers of Laadan. And the sons of Shimei were, Jahath, Zina, and Jeush, and Beriah. These four were the sons of Shimei.

The door of the next room was just opened, and in the crack I saw the face of Zinaida, pale and pensive, her hair flung carelessly back; she stared at me with big chilly eyes, and softly closed the door. 'Zina, Zina! called the old lady. Zinaida made no response. I took home the old lady's petition and spent the whole evening over it. My 'passion' dated from that day.

'And how could she fail to understand and see it all? All at once there was a sound in the next room the clink of a sabre. 'Zina! screamed the princess in the drawing-room, 'Byelovzorov has brought you a kitten. 'A kitten! cried Zinaida, and getting up from her chair impetuously, she flung the ball of worsted on my knees and ran away.

He used to say she was remarkably beautiful and eccentric. I imagine the divinity student had done both stirred up the peasants and won the daughter's heart. Perhaps he wasn't a divinity student at all, but some one travelling incognito." Zina grew thoughtful; the story of the divinity student and the beautiful French girl had evidently carried her imagination far away.

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