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Updated: August 25, 2024

He was not prepared for the white wraith-like being who did not rise from her chair, but nodded and motioned him to a seat at a distance. "Oh, Mam'selle, you have been truly ill," he said, and there was a tender sort of pity in his tone. "I have been wild to see you, to hear you speak. Mam'selle, you must not die. I cannot give you up. I have been starved, I have been half-crazy with impatience.

Emily looked at the lamp unwinkingly. "That wick needs trimming," she said. Then, with a sudden recurrence of the untuneful note: "Is he dangerously ill?" "We haven't heard for three days. The doctors were not anxious about him Monday, though they said it was a pretty severe case." A faint, wraith-like change of expression drifted over Emily's beautiful face and was gone in a moment.

The infantry could see the cavalry, creeping up Bear Garden, moving slowly, slowly, bent before the blast, wraith-like through the falling snow. From far in the rear, back of the Stonewall Brigade, back of Loring, came a dull sound the artillery and the wagon train climbing Sleepy Creek Mountain. It was three o'clock in the afternoon oh, leaden weariness, hunger, cold, sickness, worn-out shoes

No wonder her face had seemed wraith-like when her startled shrinking away from the light had set all that drapery billowing about her. She was the voice that had been my intimate comrade through weeks of strange adventure. She was the woman of the faded, yellow book, and the painted beauty at the Metropolitan.

I was sitting thus in moody silence watching the play of the fountain, when, through the mist, I saw the lonely figure of a girl standing in the shadows of a viny bower. She was toying idly with the swaying tendrils. Her hair was the unfaded gold of youth. Her pale dress of silvery grey, unmarred by any clash of colour, hung closely about a form of wraith-like slenderness.

Beneath his feet he watched the silver-tipped pool of the pavement. Gleaming in its depths swam reflections of burning lamps, like the yellow script of another and wraith-like world staring up at him out of a nowhere. The rest was darkness and billowy stripes of water. People had vanished. Later a sound of thunder crawled out of the sky. A vein of lightning opened the night.

"I love the gluggy way it sounds, and the way it sloshes up and down." They put the bundles on the wharf and climbed into the boat. The water slapped vigorously against its side, for the tide was running, and above, a wraith-like gull occasionally dropped one creaking, querulous cry. "Goodness!" Felicia exclaimed, "with all our shopping, I forgot the groceries! I'll run back. I'll not be a minute.

A sail boat; its one great sail enveloped in a shadowy quiet, floated wraith-like, nearer still. "Do scenes like that appeal to you so?" asked Eugene. "Oh, do they!" she pulsated. "They take my breath away. This does, too, it's so lovely!" Eugene sighed. He understood now. Never, he said to himself, was the soul of an artist so akin to his own and so enveloped in beauty.

She would never forget her complex feelings, when at a Paris theatre, she saw slowly file before her in a Dream-Masque the wraith-like figures of the poet, their voices their only corporeal gift. Picture had dissolved into picture, and in the vapours of these crooning enchantments she heard voices of various timbres enunciating in monosyllables the wisdom of the ages, the poetry of the future.

As he watched, day after day, the unveiling of the monumental hills, and the transitions from hazy wraith-like whispers of hues, to strong, flaring riot of color, this fret of restlessness became actual pain. He was wasting wonderful opportunity and the creative instinct in him was clamoring.

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