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He had left all his cares at home; on every hand working-folk were greeting him, and his greeting in return was like an inspiriting song. He did not know them, but they knew him! The feeling that his work however deep the scars it might leave was arousing gratitude, had an uplifting effect upon him. The city was in its morning mood.

To the working-folk, this was perhaps a morning wedding.... Perhaps these were gay people coming from a nocturnal fiesta.... Several times the cortege slackened its speed, blocked by a row of heavy carts with mountains of garden-stuff. The maître, in spite of his emotions, recognized the road that the automobile was following.

He had abounded in anecdote, sarcasm, reflection, based partly on his own experiences, partly on his endless talks with the working-folk, now in the public-house, now at their own chimney-corner. Marcella, indeed, had a large unsuspected acquaintance with the county before she met it in the flesh.

Humplebee was dead; his penniless widow had gone to live in another town on the charity of poor relatives, and Harry Humplebee sat in another office, drawing the salary at which he had begun under Mr. Chadwick, his home a wretched bedroom in the house of working-folk. It did not appear to the lad that he had suffered any injustice.

Toil goes steadily on, and the working-folk certainly have the advantage of starting in the bright morning hours, before the air has become befouled; but, as the sun gains strength, and the close air of the unlovely streets is heated, then the torment to be endured is severe. In Oldham and many other Lancashire towns a most admirable custom prevails.

The labourers declare that if the County plough is turned back to-morrow, they'll break them down themselves. And when we're all likely to be starving in six months! 'You really can't expect working-folk to stand quietly by and see such a thing! said Margaret in her intensest voice. 'Do, father, let me send Forest at once to tell the gardeners to open all the gates.

There are English-like parks and fine chateaux of rich manufacturers; but contrasted with these nothing like abject poverty. The houses of working-folk are clean, each with its flower-garden, the children are neatly dressed, no squalor or look of discontent to be seen anywhere.

Lord, how they love and fear her! And among the honest folk Jack Oxon wronged poor tradesmen he ruined by his trickery, and simple working-folk who lost their all through him they would kiss the dust her shoe hath trod. His debts she hath paid, his victims she hath rescued, the wounds he dealt she hath healed and made sound flesh, and for ten years she hath done it!"

And nobody wanted him: 'twas as though they were afraid of his strong limbs and his stubborn head because his glowing eyes could not entreat meekly enough and his blackguardly togs.... Morning came; the working-folk were early astir. Lean men and pale women, carrying their kettles and food-satchels in their hands, beat the slippery pavements with their wooden shoes.

He had left all his cares at home; on every hand working-folk were greeting him, and his greeting in return was like an inspiriting song. He did not know them, but they knew him! The feeling that his work however deep the scars it might leave was arousing gratitude, had an uplifting effect upon him. The city was in its morning mood.