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These heights are a desirable retreat, for less picturesque reasons as an escape from a compound of vile smells perpetually arising from a great harbor full of stagnant water, and befouled by the refuse of innumerable ships with all sorts of cargoes, which, in hot weather, is dreadful in the last degree.

"I think the great Conde would have specially misliked yon monk," said the Englishman. "Patience, Gawain. One foe at a time. My heart tells me that you will get your priest." The streets, still dim in the dawn, were thickly carpeted with dead. The mob kicked and befouled the bodies, and the bravos in sheer wantonness spiked them with their swords.

General Butler, for a verbal infelicity in an order of imperative necessity and wholesome effect, has been befouled by language which no careful historian would apply to Tiberius or Louis XV. But enough of this. We should be glad to believe that these utterers of false witness were boorish men, in dark and desperate ignorance of the true bearing of our current affairs. We are unable so to believe.

This arrangement prevents the tuyere from getting befouled by scoriae during the operation of the furnace and thus interfering with the wind. Tromp.

"He says we steal children, to puncture their eyes for magic medicine!" Then, heaving his wide shoulders, "Oh, well!" he said wearily, "thanks, anyhow. Come see us, when we're not so busy? Good! Look out these fellows don't fly at you." Tired and befouled, Rudolph passed through into the torrid glare. The leper cut short his snarling oration.

So says the Bible, and so you must believe, if you have a God at all. "He who fights with priests may make up his mind to have his poor good name torn and befouled by the most infamous lies and the most cutting slanders." Heine. The great poet and wit, Heinrich Heine, from whom we select a motto for this article, was not very partial to Englishmen, and still less partial to Scotchmen.

Even to this day, two score of schools and colleges remain, the glorious mementoes of this enlightened bounty and Christian magnanimity. And how did the white brothers and sisters of these messengers of a matchless benevolence receive them? Ah, God! how sad that history should be compelled to make up so dark a record abuse, contumely, violence! Christian tongues befouled with calumny!

Another shadow rose before them only to vanish as the round red face of Saul appeared. He pushed on into a long, low-ceilinged room lined with bunks, the air heavy with the acrid dead smoke of opium. "Light," demanded Saul. The sleepy proprietor brought a kerosene lamp, the chimney befouled with soot and grease. It was an old trick.

They are little to be envied, those poor pawns in the game of statecraft, moved hither and thither at the will of players who are themselves no better. The human nature of them is a negligible appendage to the names and rent-rolls that predetermine their place upon the board of worldly ambition, a board befouled by blood, by slobberings from the evil mouth of greed, and by infamy of every kind.

Nothing could have been more cruelly dismal than the appearance it presented at the time of this third visit of mine. The place had been left in the befouled and belittered condition which marks the passage of the military after they have broken camp, and it would offer but a melancholy welcome to the regiment that was about to take possession.