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Updated: August 20, 2024

His beam was won'erful for his length, altogedder what you call jolly-boat, or bum-boat build, and was only good afore'e wind, Cap'n Spike." "Was he good for anything aboard ship, Josh? Worth heaving-to for, should he try to get aboard of us again?" "Why, sir, can't say much for him in dat fashion. Jack was handy in the cabin, and capital feller to carry soup from the gally, aft.

They had some beer at the refreshment-room, and offered Golightly some too, because he had "swore won'erful." They asked him to tell them all about the adventures of Private John Binkle while he was loose on the countryside; and that made Golightly wilder than ever. If he had kept his wits about him he would have kept quiet until an officer came; but he attempted to run.

"This is mos' won'erful country," writes Tony to his brother in Italy. "They let us vote and they pay us two dollars to do it." "Yah, yah," answered a foreign mother in North Winnipeg to a school-teacher, trying to recall why her young hopeful had played truant. "Dat vas eelection my boy, he not go because Jacob my man he vote seven time and make seven dollar."

"Sart'in berry good grandfader, too, Masser Mile. Ole Pomp a won'erful black!" "Oh! I say nothing touching the quality I dare say he was as good as another. Well, I think that I have heard old Pompey's grandfather was an imported Guinea, and that he was purchased by my great-grandfather about the year 1700." "Dat just as good as gospel! Who want to make up lie about poor debble of nigger?

"Pray do," said I. Hereupon he set the mouthpiece to his lips, inflated the bag, stopped the vents with his fingers, and immediately the air vibrated with the bubbling scream I have already attempted to describe. "Oh, man!" he exclaimed, laying the still groaning instrument gently aside, "oh, man! is it no juist won'erful?"

Let Cap'n Spike alone for dat! He won'erful at accommodation! Not a bed-bug aft know better dan come here; jest like de people, in dat respects, and keep deir place forrard. You nebber see a pig come on de quarter-deck, nudder."

Francesca stays over here as a kind of missionary to Scotland, so she says, or as a feminine diplomat; she wishes to be on hand to enforce the Monroe Doctrine properly, in case her government's accredited ambassadors relax in the performance of their duty." "Salemina!" called a laughing voice outside the door. "I am won'erful lifted up.

"Dey's into de lot!" he exclaimed, when he came to the bars. "Dar's Pete Corry's ole straw hat lyin' by de stone-heap. Mus' hab been somefin' won'erful, or he'd nebber forgot his hat." That was an old woodchuck, of course, or he would not have been so large, and it may be he knew those boys as well as Quib did.

Of course I can lower your tea in a tin bucket, and if it should rain I can throw out umbrellas. Would you like your golf-caps, Pen? 'Won'erful blest in weather ye are, mam! The situation is not so bad as it might be," she added consolingly, "because in case Miss Grieve's toilet should last longer than usual, your wedding need not be indefinitely postponed, for Mr.

"And to-night my father brought me a toy electric train from the city," said Bunny Brown. "It runs on a track with batteries, and you can switch it on and off and it it's won'erful!" "So is my Teddy bear!" exclaimed Sue. "It has real lights for eyes and they burn bright when you press a button in Teddy's back." "Those are fine toys," said the ragged man.

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