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"It willna be amiss ye should ken," said Cuddie to his master, "that this Jenny this Mrs Dennison, was trying to cuittle favour wi' Tam Rand, the miller's man, to win into Lord Evandale's room without ony body kennin'. She wasna thinking, the gipsy, that I was at her elbow."

No, my dearie! What could we two do for ourselves? And I'm loth to part you and Gavin. I simply cannot take the sacrifice, you so lovingly offer me. I will write to my brother David. Gavin isna far wrong there; David is a very close man, but he willna see his sister suffer, there is no fear of that." "It is Jean that will not see you suffer." "But the bite and the sup, Jean?

McAlpine, and I would be praying, too, for a deliverer, but I would not be worthy; and He has punished my pride. And I will be bringing all this sin and worldliness on the place." "It's havers ye're talkin', Duncan!" cried old Andrew sharply. "It's no yer fault! If the careless an' godless willna' listen to the Gospel ye're no to blame, man!"

And I cam to believe 'at he wad mak you a good man at last. O father, it's been my dream waukin' an' sleepin' to hae you back to me an' grannie, an' mamma, an' the Father o' 's a', an' Jesus Christ that's done a'thing for 's. An' noo ye maun pray to God, father. Ye will pray to God to haud a grip o' ye willna ye, father? 'I will, I will, Robert. But I've been an awfu' sinner.

If I live, I will surely come for you in two years." "And the time willna be that lang, for I'll aye be thinking o' you." "Maggie, when the Fife girls give their promise, what do they bind it with?" "They break a sixpence wi' the lad they love, and they each keep a half o' it." He took a sixpence from his pocket and broke it silently in two.

The land that will spend lives, when the need arises, as though they were water, is the land that men ha' called mean and close! God pity the man who canna tell the difference between closeness and common sense! There's nae merit in saving, I'll admit, unless there's a reason for't. The man who willna spend his siller when the time comes I despise as much as can anyone.

The Lord wadna be saitisfeet wi' less nor that. It maun be the innocent to suffer for the guilty. 'I unnerstan' that, said Robert, who had heard it so often that he had not yet thought of trying to understand it. 'But gin we gang to the gude place, we'll be a' innocent, willna we, grannie?

If ye're really angrier than I am, I willna revile; leavin' it to ye to do the revilin' wha are so much better qualified. An' so it wasna accident that I was shut up in the ship's pantry, leavin' Mistress Kate to gang hame by hersel', an' to come out this mornin' findin' the ship at sea an' ye in command?" "Say no more, Ben," cried Bonnet.

Some think it willna be lucky for the rest." "What foolishness, Willie!" "'Deed, sir, it is just an invite to misfortune to bring the kirk into the boats. There's naething so unlucky around them as a minister, if it be nae a black cat, or a pair o' tongs." Allan laughed; he could not help laughing, he was so happy.

They rode as if they feared an ambush, or as if they sought something or some one in the fields at each side of the road. "They're yeomen," said Neal, "and they're coming towards us. We must lie as still as we can. Perhaps they may pass without seeing us." "They willna," said the boy, "they'll see us. We'll be kilt at last." Neal peered again.