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We're looking for a particular one. It must have been formed naturally at some time or another, but never before has it appeared in quantity enough to threaten a civilization. Why?" Murgatroyd licked his right-hand whiskers. He whimpered a little and Murgatroyd was a very cheerful small animal, possessed of exuberant health and a fine zest in simply being alive.

Then with the butt of my gun I pushed the skull over the edge of the pit and watched it roll to the bottom; and as it struck the bottom of the pit, Môme, my dog, suddenly whipped his tail between his legs, whimpered, and made off across the moor. "Môme!" I shouted, angry and astonished; but the dog only fled the faster, and I ceased calling from sheer surprise.

Then removing his hat, he mopped feebly at the beads of sweat upon his forehead. His eyes had the dumb appeal of a frightened animal's. "I haven't had a morsel all day," he whimpered, "and the effect of the whisky has all worn off." "Speak up, man," said Christopher kindly. "I can't eat you." "Oh, it's not you," returned Will desperately; "it's Molly.

They whimpered, they implored, sinking upon their knees, beating their clinched hands, and weeping: "Turn, beloved elect! Renounce Wilhelmine Enke; renounce vice! Repulse the seductress, and turn your countenance to Virtue which you have seen in all her beauty!" "I will perform that which you demand," wept the prince, as the deathly terror and nervous excitement made him yielding.

She held out the pup to him, and Peter whimpered as Jolly Roger took his wiry little face between his hands, and then lifted him gently. The girl was sobbing, with passionate little catches in her breath, but there were no tears in her eyes as they turned for an instant from Peter to the gun on the table. "If I'd had that," she cried, "I'd hev killed him!"

"Leave me go" she whimpered in genuine alarm, and when at length she was released she went to the mirror and began straightening her hat, which had flopped to one side of her head. "I didn't mean nothin', I was only kiddie' you what's the use of gettin' nutty over a jest?" "I'm not like-you," said Janet. "I was only kiddin', I tell you," insisted Lise, with a hat pin in her mouth. "Forget it."

In the hush of the night there had come from behind them the petulant crack of a rifle, then another, then several together, with a brisk rat-tat-tat, and then after an interval, one more. "It may be the rescuers! It may be the Egyptians!" cried Mrs. Belmont, with a sudden flicker of hope. "Colonel Cochrane, don't you think it may be the Egyptians?" "Yes, yes," Sadie whimpered.

He was naked man, stripped of his tinsel, and laid bare to the soul by the inexorable Master, Pain. Across his chin, as though to mock him, lay his false moustachios. "Tuez-moi!" he whimpered hoarsely. "Tuez-moi!" "I can't!" gasped Kit "not in cold blood!" The lad was face to face with one of the most appalling of God's mysteries, and was unhinged by it.

"You deal with me better than your word, noble knight," whimpered forth poor Wamba, whose habits of buffoonery were not to be overcome even by the immediate prospect of death; "if you give me the red cap you propose, out of a simple monk you will make a cardinal." "The poor wretch," said De Bracy, "is resolved to die in his vocation. Front-de-Boeuf, you shall not slay him.

The hot-headed Harry mixed up with him immediately, school-boy fashion. Shorty rushed up and separated the two, giving Harry a sharp shake. "Stop that, and go down to your place in the center," said he. "Yes; you side with him," whimpered Harry, "because he praises you and says you're a better soldier'n Sargint Klegg. I'm goin' to tell Sargint Klegg that."