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Look at this lofty room; this grave thick carpet; that cheerful coal-fire; these neat little tables; these large, clean windows; these quiet, ministerial waiters, who seem to take a paternal interest in your wants, and best of all in this simple, wholesome, well-cooked food.

"'During the recitation of the Stri-parva, foremost of brahmanas should be entertained with gems and precious stones; and during the recitation of the Aishika-parva, rice boiled in ghee should first be given, and then food pure and well-cooked, and possessed of every desirable quality, should be presented. "'During the recitation of the Shanti-parva, the brahmanas should be fed with havisya.

Even the boys, hopeful as they were of adventures, did not dream of the stirring times that lay ahead of them in their quest of the border band of smugglers. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the well-cooked, well-served meal, it being a welcome change to have someone else do their cooking for them.

Meanwhile, Miss Evelina's starved body was responding, slowly but surely, to the simple, well-cooked food. Hitherto, she had not cared to eat and scarcely knew what she was eating. Now she had learned to discriminate between hot rolls and baking-powder biscuit, between thick soups and thin broths, custards and jellies.

As the servants seemed pleasant, the house comfortable, and as the salary was excellent, Susan concluded that she had as the saying is fallen on her feet. The quartette had tea in the servants' hall, and there was plenty of well-cooked if plain victuals. Miss Loach dined at half-past six and Susan assumed her dress and cap.

I don't know, for I guess I didn't understand much of the book not even of that part I read but I do know that a well-cooked meal tastes better than a dried-out one. Oh, dear!" Janice shoved the pots back on the stove, and shut off the drafts so that the fire would die down. She wondered where Delia could be. She had not seen her outside the house.

But for marriage," continued the veteran moralist, "that is a very different matter. Marry a woman with money. I've told you before it is as easy to get a rich wife as a poor one; and a doosed deal more comfortable to sit down to a well-cooked dinner, with your little entrees nicely served, than to have nothing but a damned cold leg of mutton between you and your wife.

Of nutriment: Eat moderately of a well-cooked and well-balanced diet and drink freely of pure water. Of respiration: Breathe freely and deeply of pure air and spend a part of each day out of doors. Of nervous poise: Suppress wasteful and useless forms of nervous activity, avoid nervous strain, and practice cheerfulness. Of cleanliness: Keep the body and its immediate surroundings clean.

There are more women who know how to make good cake than good bread more who can furnish you with a good ice-cream than a well-cooked mutton-chop; a fair charlotte-russe is easier to gain than a perfect cup of coffee; and you shall find a sparkling jelly to your dessert where you sighed in vain for so simple a luxury as a well-cooked potato.

Soon afterwards Sweet Grass herself sought the medicine man. She brought him presents of buffalo marrow, deer meat, and a juicy, well-cooked land turtle. Then she asked his help for the deformed youth, and he promised to go to him. The next day word came to the chief's lodge that Black Bull had gone to join the people of the grave.