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Updated: August 20, 2024

"What brings you this way, Señor don Sargento, at this time of day?" said Mariquita. "Was it to see me? It was unwise, indiscreet; my aunt " "I have been on duty at Waterport," replied McKay, with a rather ungallant frankness that made Mariquita pout. "It is plain I am only second in your thoughts. Duty always duty. Why did not you come last night to the Alameda when the band played?"

It was evident that there were those at Gibraltar who knew her, or mistook her for some one else. As the party reached the Commercial Square, and the main guard, like that at Waterport, turned out to do honour to the general, a man pushed forward from a little group that stood respectfully behind the party, and whispered hoarsely in Mrs. Wilders's ear "Dios mio! Cypriana! Es usted?" Cyprienne!

There was no standing against the youngster's strong will, and at five o'clock that same evening the Major found himself proceeding through the town towards the Waterport for embarkation, by no means fully reconciled to the abandonment of his beloved Lares.

"How amusing! How interesting! It's like a scene in a play!" cried Mrs. Wilders, as she stepped ashore. Escorted by her husband and cousin, they pushed their way through the crowd towards the Waterport gateway, and under it into the main ditch. As they approached there was a cry of "Guard, turn out!" and the Waterport Guard, under its officer, fell in with open ranks to give the general a salute.

They passed the drawbridge at Waterport, and, struggling through the crowd of Turks, Jews, infidels, and heretics, who usually throng the quay, entered a shore-boat that was to row them out to where Owen's vessel the Fair Unknown, as he had christened her, in memory of his unforgotten partner at the Carnival ball lay moored.

A walk through the principal street, known as Waterport Street, lined with low drinking places, taverns, or lodging-houses, junk stores, and cigar shops, would not lead one to expect the population to be of the sort to appreciate good music, or to enjoy a quiet promenade in well-kept grounds.

The port of Mogador had to-day a most wild and desolate appearance, which was rendered still more dreary and hideous by a dark tempest sweeping over it. On the shore, there was no appearance of life, much less of trade and shipping. All had abandoned it, save a guard, who lay stretched at the gate of the waterport, like a grim watch-dog.

Just now the bad luck of being refused a share in an arduous campaign, with its attendant chances of hardships, sufferings, perhaps a violent death, made every soldier condemned to remain in safety at Gibraltar discontented and sore at heart. "No orders for us by the last mail, Hyde," said a young sergeant of the Royal Picts, as he walked briskly up to the entrance of the Waterport Guard.

Jealousy flashed from her eyes; a pang of painful doubt shot through her, though she calmly answered "It is not true." "Ask him yourself. I tell you I saw them together: first near our stables, and then down by Waterport a splendid woman!" Waterport! McKay had told her he was returning from that part of the Rock. There was something in it, then. Was he playing her false? No.

Do not try to deny it. She is tall and fair; one of your compatriots. You were seen together." "Where, pray? Who has told you this nonsense?" "At Waterport. Benito saw you." McKay laughed merrily. "I see it all. Why, you foolish, jealous Mariquita, that was my general's wife a great lady. I was attending and following her about like a lackey.

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