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The latter was in his surplice, and chanted a 'Veni Creator, Salve Regina, and Tantum ergo'. These prayers over, he pronounced the blessing of the Holy Sacrament, while the marquise knelt with her face upon the ground.

So he pursues the list of devotees; her son will tell her that Caesar summarized his conquests in this country by saying Veni, Vidi, Vici; but to her it is given to say, Veni, Videbar, Vici. On two subjects, theology and politics, Madame Novikoff was, as we have seen, passionately in earnest.

Cavalry took a large part in the battle. XXXVII. Vacui. Free from apprehension. Ni. Cf. note 4: ni. Subita belli. Unexpected emergencies arising in the course of the battle. Cf. 6: inania honoris. Grande et atrox spectaculum, etc. See a similar description in Sal. Jug. 101. Compare the famous veni, vidi, vici, of Caesar. Prout erat.

Whenever we sing the "Veni Creator" we sing John Dryden. So we sing Addison in the paraphrase of Scripture, which Haydn's music has made familiar: "The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky." While Dryden yielded to his times, Addison did not, and the Spectator became not only a literary but a moral power.

Stukely, reasonably enough, counselled that they should wait two or three days and recruit; but Don Sebastian was so mad for the assault that he must needs have his veni, vidi, vici; and so ended with a veni, vidi, perii; for he Abdallah, and his son Mohammed, all perished in the first battle at Alcasar; and Stukely, surrounded and overpowered, fought till he could fight no more, and then died like a hero with all his wounds in front; and may God have mercy on his soul!"

Well, in the language of Alexander, or some other old worthy of ancient times, it was veni, vidi, vici with me; I came, I saw, I conquered! What do you think of that, Hugh?" With the words he suddenly drew something from a pocket and held it in front of his companion's nose. It was a souvenir spoon, one of unique pattern, Hugh saw, and he had a thrill as he comprehended just what it might mean.

"Rainbow!" for he would translate her name at times, "come to me, veni" and his lips went on automatically, and murmured, "vel venito!" The child came and sat by his bedside and took his hand, which she could not warm, but which shot its rays of cold all through her slender frame. But there she sat, looking steadily at him. Presently he opened his lips feebly, and whispered, "Moribundus."

The Veni Creator having been sung, the Archbishop takes the book of the Gospels, on which he places a piece of the true cross, and holds it open before the monarch. Charles X., seated, his head covered, his hand on the Gospels and the true cross, pronounces in a strong voice the oath of coronation:

Being desired to sing a psalm after our manner, we chanted Veni sancte Spiritus. Then the khan departed, but the lady remained, and distributed gifts to all the Christians present.

Ab hac ciuitate, multis ciuitatibtus peregratis versus Orientem, veni ad ciuitatem Cambalu, quae est antiqua in prouincia Cathay: Hanc postquam Tartari ceperunt, ad dimidium miliare fecerunt vnam ciuitatem nomine Caydo, et habet duodecim portas, et a porta in portam duo sunt grossa miliaria Lombardica, spacium inter medium istarum ciuitatum habitatoribus plenum est, et circuitus cuiuslibet istarum ambit 60. miliaria Lombardica, quae faciunt octo Teutonica.