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I'll make you a varse, that will suit a despisable colonist exactly. "I went up to London, the capital of the nation, To see Lord Stanley, and get a sitivation. Says he to me, 'Sam Slick, what can you do? Says I, 'Lord Stanley, jist as much as you. Liberate the rebels, and 'mancipate the niggers. Hurror for our side, and damn thimble-riggers. "Airth and seas!

Sure he has a varse out o' the Bible, that he thinks can prevent a man from bein' hung up any day!" While Denny, the Big Mower, and the two Meehans were thus engaged in giving expression to their peculiar opinions, the Pedlar held a conversation of a different kind with Anne.

"All these people want something to eat, Sopsy. Let the crew eat in the deck-house for'ad, and bring a lunch into the cabin right off," continued Captain Sullendine. "Yis, sar," replied the cook with emphasis. "Git 'em quicker'n a man kin swaller his own head. Libes dar a man wid soul so dead" "Never mind the varse, Sopsy," interposed the captain. " As never to hisself have said"

"For there be summut in it," continued the clerk, "which smooths a man's heart like a clothes-brush, wipes away the dust and dirt, and sets all the nap right; and I thinks as how 'tis what a clerk of the parish ought to study, your honour." "Nothing better; you speak like an oracle." "Now, Sir, there be the Corporal, honest man, what thinks himself mighty clever, but he has no soul for varse.

As for these Iroquois, 'tisn't very likely they'll forget a beast with two tails, on account of a varse or two from the Bible. I rather expect they'll give up the prisoners, and trust to some sarcumvenion or other to get 'em back ag'in, with us and all in the castle and the Ark in the bargain.

In the first page of it, second section, and first varse, are these words, "We hold this truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I guess King George turned his quid when he read that. It was somethin to chaw on, he hadn't been used to the flavor of, I reckon.

The sun sparkled down on the water; the weary man and horse plodded along the bank; far away, a sweet bird sang; and the collier spoke again. "Dost tha' know the varse?" he said.

In the first page of it, second section, and first varse, are these words: 'We hold this truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I guess King George turned his quid when he read that. It was somethin' to chaw on, he hadn't been used to the flavour of, I reckon."

In a few seconds the boy from Vermont was securely blindfolded. "Now you sing dot song," commanded Hans. "Whut shell I sing?" "'Yankee Doodle, begobs!" cried Barney. "It's patriotic songs Ould Gunn admoires." "I can't git the tune," said Ephraim, "an' I don't know the words of only jest one varse." "Well, sing pwhat yez know, an' kape repeating it over an' over till yez are told to stop."

Barrett had then the peculiarity in his manner of sounding certain vowels, which he still retains always pronouncing the word "turn," for instance, as if it were written "tarn." I remember hearing him once preach from the text, 1 Cor., iii., 23, which he announced as follows: "The farst book of Corinthians, the thard chaptar, and the twenty-thard varse."