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The Conquest had merely changed the old rivalry between two foreign powers into one between two widely differing British possessions; and this, because of the general unrest among the Americans, made the competition more bitter, if possible, than ever. The Jesuits pressed their claims for recognition, for their original estates, and for compensation.

If thou, in the green o the rose, still drink o' the water of life, My drink is nought but tears, since that thou didst depart. If sleep e'er visit thee, live coals of my unrest, Strewn betwixt couch and side, for aye my slumbers thwart All but thy loss to me were but a little thing, But that and that alone is sore to me, sweetheart.

It'll give you points on 'popular unrest, as the newspapers are calling it." The men in the pen above them were having an animated discussion. They were the members of the town committee. Thornton craned his neck and looked up at them. One of his loyal friends was there. "What's the matter, Tom? Why not call to order?" The man gave him a cautious wink before replying.

Some of them were wives and daughters of the wealthy manufacturing class, but most were of the high aristocracy, who all regarded my employer as the Saviour of Russia, sent by Heaven to reform and deliver the "Holy" land from the toils of unrest and desolation. We Russians are always idealists. That is our curse.

Only I would put in a caution do not let us mingle self-conceit with our congratulations; and, above all, do not let us 'rest and be thankful. There is much to be done yet. Listening ears can catch on every side vague sounds that tell of unrest and of the stirrings into wakefulness of 'The spirit of the years to come, Yearning to mix itself with life.

The sound disturbed him, bringing premonitions of the city's unrest. He determined to stay out for the night. It was restful his car would not arrive until late the next afternoon there was no reason why he should not. He found a little wayside hotel whose weather-beaten sign was ancient enough to promise "entertainment for man and beast." "Just what I want," he declared.

Famines and floods in recent years have greatly intensified the already strong feeling of discontent and unrest, and served to pile up more fuel for the general conflagration. In short, the whole nation was like a forest of dry leaves which needed but a single fire spark to make it blaze.

Only Adelaide herself was not deceived, but read between the lines and made out the hidden words, which were not flattering to herself. And to her it was manifest that Edgar's attentions, offered with such excited publicity, were not so much to gratify her or to express himself, as to pique Leam Dundas and work off his own unrest.

In the last year he had evinced a growing disinclination to society and pleasure; his former liveliness, gayety, and love of jokes had been replaced by an obvious preference for solitude, and, as it seemed to us, melancholy brooding. To our anxious inquiries he had answered that he was nervous, and suffering from mental unrest and insomnia.

"There's only one way to live, and that's the way I'm going to try." "Well, you'll not try it alone, sir, if you please," said Michael. "I'll be with you, if I may." "And I'll bless you as you go," said Christopher Dogan. England was in a state of unrest. She had, as yet, been none too successful in the war with France.