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"Got suthin' on to your mind? Commence unloadin' it before it busts your back." "It's Sarah," said Nahum, helplessly. "Um!... Sairy, eh? What's Sairy up to?" "I don't seem to gather, Mr. Baines. She's she's difficult. Something seems to be working in her head." "Twenty-two, hain't she? Twenty-two?... Prob'ly a number of things a-workin' in her head. Got any special symptoms?"

"Things got from bad to worse; the month's rent took all our cash except a dollar or so, an' the sky looked kind o' squally fore an' aft. Well, I set out one mornin' that identical unlucky mornin' determined to come back an' toss some pay into Kitty's lap, if I had to sell my jacket for it. I spied a brig unloadin' coal at pier No. 47 how well I remembers it!

Westerfelt knew he could not sleep, and, seeing the moonlight shining through his window, he decided to take a walk. He went below. Washburn sat in a little circle of candle-light mending a piece of harness. "Has the hack come in yet?" asked Westerfelt, remembering that he had paid little attention to business that day. "Yes," answered Washburn; "it's down at the store unloadin' the mail."

When I look back on it all, seems to me as if we was out o' our heads most o' the time. I didn't know it then, but 'twas true all the same. Think now o' layin' the Screamer broadside on that stone pile at Shark Ledge, unloadin' them stone with nothin' but a couple o' spar buoys to keep 'er off. Wonder I didn't leave 'er bones there.

You would see old boats unloadin' vegetables, taking on garbage, water-boats pumpin' water into some house, wine shops, cook shops; you would see dilapidated houses with poorly clad people standin' in the doorways; ragged, unkempt children looking down on you from broken windows, and about all the sights you see in all the poorer streets of any city, though here you see it from a boat instead of from a hack or trolley car.

It would almost seem as if they would be tired enough when they got here, to not want to disemmark themselves and their truck, and then imegiatly embark agin on a periongor or wagon, or car, or sunthin, and go a-trailin' off thousands of milds further. And then go through it all agin disembarkin' and unloadin' their truck, and themselves.

"An' just then you remember that four-horse load of machinery that come in after me? just then it drove up. "'How about four horses? he asks, casual-like. "'Right to home. I can drive 'm to a plow, a sewin' machine, or a merry-go-round. "'Jump up an' take them lines, then, he says, quick an' sharp, not wastin' seconds. 'See that shed. Go 'round the barn to the right an' back in for unloadin'.

Tain't no hurt ter do it dat er way, only it handles better ter let it hang on de sticks a while an' git sorter wilted don't break de leaves off ner mash 'em up so much loadin' an" unloadin', yer know," answered Nimbus. "How much have you got here?" asked the sheriff, casting his eye over the field; "forty thousand?"

Old Black Whiskers gave a muttered order, and like a well-drilled army the men were ready again, this time flocking to the side of the quay as the boats rode up, and waiting for them, empty-handed. Cleek turned to the nearest one, and spoke in a low-toned voice. "What now, matey? I'm new at this gyme." "Oh unloadin'. Usual thing. Faulty gauge.

Danny opened one swollen, sleepy eye, "Aw, it's not time yet," he muttered drowsily and went back to sleep. "All right, let him be," said Chris in disgust. "We ain't got time to wake him. We'll miss the unloadin' if we do." So Jerry and Chris tiptoed carefully downstairs, for they knew Mrs. Mullarkey had gone back to bed, and ran through the dim light of dawn to the railway station.