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'While I acknowledge my obligation to you, sir, for the restoration of the badge of our family, I cannot but marvel that you have nowhere established your own crest, whilk is, I believe, a mastiff, anciently called a talbot; as the poet has it, A talbot strong, a sturdy tyke.

"An' don't you never tyke no coals to 'em that you don't tell abaht you 'ear?" The slavey promised, but the seed was sown.

'If yo're so set upo' knowing who t' fellow was, a could, mebbe, put yo' on his tracks. 'How? said Hester, eagerly. 'I do want to know. I want to know very much, and for a good reason. 'Well, then, a'll tell yo'. He's a queer tyke, that one is. A'll be bound he were sore pressed for t' brass; yet he out's wi' a good half-crown, all wrapped up i' paper, and he axes me t' make a hole in it.

"I hate to be so sensitive," she thought, and then she began to tell Mrs. Jupe what she intended to do. "The clubs!" cried Mrs. Jupe. "I thought you didn't tyke to the shop because you fancied yerself above present company. But the foreign clubs! My gracious!" The hissing of Mrs.

And alone, his back to the others, stands a little bowed, conspicuous figure Adam M'Adam; while the great dog beside him, a hideous incarnation of scowling defiance, is Red Wull, the Terror o' the Border. The Tailless Tyke had already run up his fighting colors.

Then, when the low ribaldry o' the toon was gettin' my birses up, and they had sent to fetch the guard, up comes this bonny young leddy, and speerited me awa' in a coach, me swearin' ootragious and maist unwillin' just like a fool tyke that hasna had eneuch o' a fecht.

Tyke sat down heavily in his chair and wagged his grizzled head solemnly. "It's beyond me," he said. "It must be meant. Here we might be weeks or months before we could git a ship that suited us, if we got it at all; but along comes Cap'n Rufe here with the very thing we want.

Sir Robert Whitecraft was not himself of the party, but scarcely any individual was met by them whom they did not cross-examine. "Hallo, my good fellow," said the leader of the party, "what is that you're singin'?" Reilly stared at him like a man who was sorely puzzled; "Ha neil bearla agum;" that is, "I have no English." "Here, Connor, you can speak Irish; sift this able-bodied tyke."

"Come, myke up your mind, my dear, and let me tyke it away at onct. Give me 'is nyme, that's good enough for me." After some hesitation Glory gave Lord Robert's name and address, and the woman prepared the child for its departure. "Don't tyke on so, my dear. 'Tain't sech a great crime, and many a laidy of serciety 'as done worse." At the street door Glory asked Mrs.

She realized enough of the fervor of Drew's passion to know that he was in deadly earnest and would brook no rivalry. Tyke had been enjoying himself hugely from the start. He had utterly cast aside all thoughts of the business he had left behind him, and when Drew sometimes referred to it he refused to listen.