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Merry Christmas to you, my dears! By-bye." "'Where's that bright young Irish laidy? the gentlemen's allwiz sayin', my dear," said Mrs. Jupe, and for very shame's sake, having no money to pay for board and lodgings, Glory returned to the counter.

He clasped her fingers in his fist, and was just wondering if he dared kiss them, when a gruff voice behind him caused him to stiffen, and to pretend he wanted nothing but a penny bar of chocolate. "Now then, come orf it," said the newcomer, a private with the trench mud still caked on his clothes. "She's my young laidy, ain't yer, Thérèse?"

"She's a real laidy, she is!" said Gladys to Maud; and Maud sniffed in assent, and answered strongly, "You bet your life!" The inside of the house seemed out of all proportion with the outside appearance. This is a special peculiarity of the West End, which has puzzled many a visitor besides Claire Gifford.

A dozen lads stepped forward at once, but a flail drove them right and left, and the unknown knight had mounted the parapet amid a shower of execrations. "If you are the real Shovel," the lady said to him, "you can tell me how this proceeds, 'I love my dear father and my dear mother Go on." Shovel obeyed, tremblingly. "And all the dear little kids at 'ome. You are a kind laidy or gentleman.

"The laidy 'as came, Miss Gloria, and she sent me to tell you to wyte 'ere for 'er a minute." Then putting her head in at the open doer she beckoned and Mrs. Callender came out. "Hush! He's coming to. The poor laddie! He's been calling for ye, and calling and calling. But he thinks ye're in heaven together, seemingly, so ye must no say anything to shock him.

Nevertheless, after his mother's return, just before he stole out to join Shovel, he took Elspeth aside and whispered to her, nervously: "You can pray for me if you like, for, oh, Elspeth; I'm thinking as I'll need it sore!" And sore he needed it before the night was out. "I love my dear father and my dear mother and all the dear little kids at 'ome. You are a kind laidy or gentleman. I love yer.

"A nice-lookin' girl might 'ave a-many chawnces in a place syme as this, my dear." "Lawd, yus; and when I seen the young laidy come in at the door, 'Strike me lucky! thinks I, 'the very one!" "Syme 'ere, my dear. I reckkernized ye the minute I seen ye; and if ye want to leave the hospital and myke a stawt, as you were saying last night " Glory stopped them. They were on the wrong trace entirely.

This one I bought with my own money, and I don't give it up to nobody, laidy or no laidy." "Am I addressing the cook?" "You are, ma'am. And I may as well say I am cook and housemaid and parlor-maid and kitchen-maid and scullery-maid all in one; and I does the laundry, too, whenever it's done at all.

In a narrow court at the back, dimly lit and not much frequented, there was a small open door under a lamp suspended from a high blank wall. This was the stage-door of the music hall, and a group of young men, looking like hairdressers' assistants, blocked the pavement at either side of it. "Wonder what she's like off?" "Like a laidy, you bet." "Yus, but none o' yer bloomin' hamatoors."

Mykes me feel like Sundays, though," said the tall lady with a shudder. "Irish, my dear?" "Something of that sort," said Glory. "Brought up a laidy, I'll be bound?" "My father was a clergyman," said Glory, "but "